LLMs are expert systems, who’s expertise is making believable and coherent sentences. They can “learn” to be better at their expert task, but they cannot generalise into other tasks.
LLMs are expert systems, who’s expertise is making believable and coherent sentences. They can “learn” to be better at their expert task, but they cannot generalise into other tasks.
Thanks, some of it is legal content that has just been sitting locked away on a hard drive for years while I work out what to do with it.
A friend who does archival stuff for govt keeps giving me stuff all like “hey check out this weird thing!” with some ancient film or something. It would be nice to share that, I’ll have a look at posting those to the IA.
You don’t do it in flux, you do it in the panel options in Grafana.
On your original question you can set the Telegraf hostname in the config, for docker stuff I just use omit_hostname = true
I had this issue. And all I wanted was an SMTP server to send emails to myself.
Apparently it doesn’t matter what you tell spamhaus, gmail will still treat you as radioactive if your IP address is listed as “residential”.
Jellyfin is really really nice btw. I havent experienced any issues and I have it setup in docker with gpu for transcoding.
You have changed my life today.
I’m not involved either. I definitely would never do anything so abhorrent and inconsiderate of rights holders who purchased their copyrights fair and square.
Mine are all named after dairy products.
I have whey as the main docker host and first mon, milk as my main x86 osd, leben-{1,2} as more (arm64) osds, kumis-{1,2,3} as more (arm64) mons, kefir and ghee are old x86 mons (maybe Ill repurpose them as docker hosts someday. I have lassi-{1,2} as rpi 3b+ but they arent in use at the moment because I dont need them yet. Ive got pytia as my spine, and yoghurt as my edge, leaf is l2 so no hostname.
My main windows gaming pc is butter, the wifes pc is something similar but its not turned on and I cbf checking router logs.