Hmmm, that’s a good one to use but I prefer sudo chmod -R 777 /
I enjoy cheap tacos, long walks on the beach at sunset, and all things baseball.
Let’s go Padres!
Hmmm, that’s a good one to use but I prefer sudo chmod -R 777 /
A lot of shows tend to lose steam around seasons four and five or so. Actors and actresses come and go and writers struggle to find new ideas so storylines get recycled and repackaged. Breaking Bad handled this perfectly by willing ending after 5 seasons.
The Joker!
“Introduce a little anarchy…”
So when I’m looking in the mirror at myself, I use the right taper on my right side? Thank you so much! I’ve been doing this for years but I don’t know why that has always been confusing for me…
I just found Bookwyrm and love it! Now that’s a great idea for a federated site.
Lots of actors already smoke in their personal lives off screen. Also a really good actor will do whatever they have to in order to commit to a role.
I have been using thestreameast.to for MLB games and it seems to be fine. Didn’t even make an account. I don’t know what CONCACAF is but they have a bunch of other sports too.
I really don’t do much pirating anymore. I have a terabyte that’s almost full that I’ve been curating for around seven years. I have my collection of favorite films and movies that I just rewatch all the time. For new stuff, just have a folder full of bookmarks to pirate streaming sites. I used to do Kodi add-ons for streaming, but that got to be a pain in the ass.
“How do you want to induce YOUR Linux migraine today?!”