Sure blame the female
Sure blame the female
This is why I stay liquored up. One of these mosquitoes bites me, they take back that elixir to their family. Dad mosquito shows up hammered. Turns out he missed their kids soccer game (again) Wife is taking the kids to stay with her sister in Albuquerque. Kids only see the dad on the weekends where they have built up an immense disdain for him. This lends to their emotional trauma where they spend the next several years acting out their pain…wait
I need to rethink this
Jokes on you, that’s my kink
The only inconvenience this is causing me is pricing out additional storage for my NAS. I know I may not be the majority here, and I may not be the target audience these tactics are focused on, but for me, these companies aren’t getting my money this way. Microcenter is.
Looks like I cancelled at the right time. They seem to forget that we in fact do have a choice at the end of the day. And my choice is to sail the high seas.
Dropped Spotify after the CEO said artists music weren’t worth anything and raised their annual fee at the same time. Trash company