I think I misunderstood you the first time. I thought you were a musk fan boy claiming the regulators themselves were the deepstate.
I think I misunderstood you the first time. I thought you were a musk fan boy claiming the regulators themselves were the deepstate.
If you are expanding the deep state to include regulatory bodies, you are just talking about the state.
Can you provide an instance of the state ever hiding the fact that they regulate businesses, or did you just find out that was one of their powers?
A loss in coal jobs doesn’t mean a loss everywhere in the energy sector.
When we are looking at Appalachia, their descent into what could almost be described as fifth world or failed world alignment isn’t necessarily because of technological advancement but of cultural stagnation.
From the 1880s to the 1920s the rednecks were imprisoned and murdered while the hicks consolidated power.
The jobs are still there nationwide, just mostly in the places that still have educated workforces. A large reason why coal country is hanging onto coal instead of supporting those retraining programs that will allow them entry into the markets that historically red places like Arizona and Montana are getting in on is that the inhabitants of those States didn’t murder their intelligent people at the behest of business.
According to this podcast on collapse I once heard, not once in human history has a technological breakthrough made humans less productive.
I wouldn’t really classify Ruby ridge as a rail-roading.
This is a guy who uprooted his family to move across the country so he could hang out with terrorists who shared Hitler-loving beliefs.
He then sold a sawed off shotgun to a man he believed was one of those terrorists.
We can definitely criticize law enforcement for every single they did from the inception of the case, but Weaver was not innocent.
Antennapod is good enough and has a widget, but to be honest, it needs to be a lot better.
They need to implement podcast discovery. Just showing 20 separate podcasts with nothing else is clearly not enough.
Pretty sure corporations running their own subreddits has been.a thing for awhile now. Fairly certain Costco’s subreddit is fully modded by their advertising department. Threads written by employees during COVID were getting nuked constantly.
Really hoping google loses here.
Honestly, I believe it.
I have worked at an amazon warehouse. Bezos was never referred to as anything but Jeff and every day during the stretches we would be told how impressed Jeff was with how well we were doing.
At Costco, we would have daily meetings. At least twice a month the assistant manager would interject to remind everybody that they had once had lunch with the original CEO. There was also this strange creation myth of how the company was able to dominate the grocery industry within less time than everybody else. It involved the CEO inventing a new way to filet a Chinook salmon or something like that.
Cult behavior is surprisingly strong within corporate America.
That’s Captain Beefheart you are talking to…
It tends to be in upscale hotels, generally around the holidays, but isn’t incredibly common anymore.
If I think back on it, I’m not sure I have heard it since the 90s.
Catch-22 or Gravity’s Rainbow, if my memory of books I’ve read once is still accurate.
Except he appears to be running the company at a loss currently, being over half a billion in the hole after making close to 5 billion (largely in government contracts).
I’m not saying the rumors are true that Joe Rogan has been pumping him full of ketamine to get him to sign over his fortune, but Musk is clearly starting to lose his ability at what he was good at: making money.
Please show me in which of Orwell’s writings he suggested that economies should be based off allowing financial criminals to commi their crimes against citizens, unimpeded.
The thesis of 1984 is that when totalitarianism takes hold, we will turn on those we love to protect ourselves. Which specific portion of that novel do you believe told you that true freedom is getting your money stolen with no recourse?
This is primarily the issue with libertarians. You guys are constantly applying a book you haven’t read to every situation you don’t like. It’s weird and I think people see through it.
As you yourself out it, the issue with monero is that it is designed to protect attackers.
The people communicating with each other need a way to ensure that they are communicating with who they think they are; and for most people, they are trying to hide what they are discussing, not necessarily who they are discussing it with.
When I first got into open source I downloaded every app I saw that could make me feel like a spy, but I quickly deleted 90% of them because I had no use cases for them. I did find an app I believe based off the signal protocol which had no names or numbers and the only way to initiate contact between two people was by scanning each others qr code, but good luck ever meeting somebody to download the app.
It’s been hard enough convincing anybody over signal. Americans are pretty locked into SMS and everybody else seems unwilling to leave WhatsApp.
I haven’t had a single complaint in my few months if using it.
That being said, I have 3 people to use it with so on average have only gotten about 20 minutes per week.
I will say that the WiFi calling on their app is far superior to the samsung’s drag down buttons.
So a man whose wealth has largely been built off lying to investors and consumers about his products told you that his father only gave him $28,000, and you just believed him?
Your favorite painting was likely commissioned by a rich person, and the person who received credit for it probably had most of the work done by an apprentice of theirs.
Rich people don’t like fine art and wine because they are so much more intellectually advanced than we are, they like them because they are a great tool of the wealthy. These people can’t tell the difference between a $7 wine and their $25,000 wine in a blind taste test, and if you tell them so, they will smile and nod, because the taste isn’t the point.
Your grandmother’s knit sweaters would be considered fine art if it could be used to launder money.
If anybody can patent it, it’s the W3C who holds it.
Aaron Swartz was working on self hosted social media before ycombinator merged his product with what became reddit.
Facebook is a little too late to the game to get any credit.