Secret out-of-court settlement is an option.
Also known as “bribing your way out of the law”
Secret out-of-court settlement is an option.
Also known as “bribing your way out of the law”
Previously in bash & sed, in case anyone else was curious.
The total functional component was previously 25 lines long. Personally I would consider this different enough to be an entirely different project, but I guess this is a good way for the developer to avoid being asked to maintain something they’re not interested in.
This nonsense is why I’ve never set my XDG_HOME_DIRS to their actual values. A convenient button in file browsers isn’t worth the intrusion.
The deal breaker feature I’ve been waiting for is the ability to play daily podcasts first then serialised podcasts in order. I have this with Podcast Addict and it means I virtually never have to touch the app itself.
Edit: on further inspection this is covered in the article
Birds aren’t somewhat related to dinosaurs, birds ARE dinosaurs. You can have a dinosaur dance party right now with a bunch of cockatiels.
Incidentally, this is a Peertube instance and therefore part of the Fediverse
I love that the replies to you are half saying that it’s an impossible problem, and half linking to existing solutions.
It hits the “tethered network services” anti-feature which is hidden by default in F-droid.
It is a legal requirement in Australia that ISPs record all your “metadata” which will reveal torrent activity. The bittorrent protocol necessarily makes your IP public to peers. Copyright trolls are known to leave bots as fake seeders and peers to collect IPs to mass report people.
Tl;DR: not a good idea
There’s always package forwarding. I’m about to find out how bad an idea that is.
It does require a court order, but notably you do not need to be suspected of a crime.
Dont we have a right […] to not self incriminate?
Not that I’m aware of, but if you find otherwise, let me know!
They can compel you to reveal your password without a warrant but can’t touch your phone? Is that a state law?
They call out making spoofing harder, although they don’t specify how.
It’s a normal thing for people to sideload apps that are distributed through the play store - that’s exactly what tools like Aurora do.
You are right that they are up to developers, but that’s the problem. It should be up to users how they run their software on their hardware.
“Security” meaning “preventing users from using the devices they own in the way they want to use them” apparently.
It’s a little lower in the article
Alternative Hosting Services:
Self-Host (or join a group that self-hosts). A few options:
- Gitea
- GitLab Community Edition (note, the GitLab Enterprise Edition, which >is provided to the public on gitlab.com, is (like GitHub) >trade-secret, proprietary, vendor-lock-in software)
- SourceHut
Two of the “questions” are just statements
Unpaid Open Source developers will have trouble fulfilling increasing government requirements, for example the EU Cyber Security Act.
Emerging companies like Tidelift, which pay developers, will solve the current problems of Open Source.
Open Source Software follows the Open Source Definition, while Free Software follows the Free Software Definition.
They have heavy overlap, one is not a subset of the other, and they are similarly restrictive, just shepherded by different groups. I’m sure there are licences that satisfy one but not the other, but they would have to be few and far between; just reading through each it’s not obvious how one could satisfy only one definition.
If I read that right, the normal way. It’s not a special lock, just the normal lock screen. The use case seems to be addressing the idea of your phone being snatched while unlocked, and then attempted brute forcing into apps with sensitive data pin/biometric locks
Guess my aeroplane mode is never turning off now.