Articons seems to still have it
Articons seems to still have it
I’ve wanted to pay FTL on a touchscreen for years
Sounds like the very thing to motivate you to ditch your gmail account, don’t let them hold you hostage!
The Nexus legacy lives on!
The fact that they’re your whole life is the problem. You’ll understand when you grow up.
Can we move away from the habit of just copy-pasting clickbait video titles with no information as to what they’re actually about? Lemmy gives you a description field, you have the power to summarise videos which should really be blog posts!
I was going to post something dismissive about an air-gapped phone being pretty useless, then I remembered I have an old Xperia Play which I repurposed as a dedicated emulator
If you’ve got a device with zero vulnerabilities which will never have any discovered then whoever made it is in need of a Nobel prize
Go back to your torrents, poor boy.
Lol, I thought we were going to have a serious discussion about the relative merits of advertising vs community servers with donations, turns out you’re just an elitist cunt. Probably my mistake for not seeing the “TikTok and YouTube are my only sources of entertainment” red flag!
If you’re not getting security updates then any savings may well be a false economy
Speak for yourself, that’s 7 years of GrapheneOS support! What phone do you use which you think is squeaky clean?
This is the most defeatist attitude I’ve ever seen
£3 a month if you’re on a family plan!
Don’t worry mate, I’ve got the perfect reply you can use in almost every situation where someone asks you to do something you don’t want to!
I don’t know if there’s any precedence anywhere for forcing code to be open sourced, but it’s a nice dream!
I can’t even get too mad at this, it makes complete sense for an OS to have built-in malware scanning because casual users will unintentionally install dodgy shit. The key thing is that those of us who don’t want Google having a nosey through our device can still disable it trivially, because if that option goes then suddenly we’re as bad as Windows!
Assuming you mean that you yourself are a good driver who doesn’t get into crashes, that’s why I said “until someone smashes into you”, as in the crash that is completely out of your control!
And more critically one is open source so you can verify that it does what they say it does and the other one does not!
It’s not about being a hassle to maintain, it’s about users thinking they were sending secure messages when they weren’t. The simplest explanation is that Signal is a secure messenger, so the app shouldn’t let you send insecure messages. I’m sure it lost them a few users but they’re not trying to gain maximum market share like for-profit orgs try to.