Ooh, this looks great… thanks for sharing! Maybe it will finally rip my excel spreadsheets from out of my hands 😂
Ooh, this looks great… thanks for sharing! Maybe it will finally rip my excel spreadsheets from out of my hands 😂
Whaaaaat. I had no idea this had disappeared… sad news!
Thankfully it’s archived at least: https://archive.is/BYZ9l
Man this feels like deep lore at this point 😂
Oh right, yeah you’re dependent on their service.
Fyi, it’s “tongue in cheek”
I use TailScale and their free Personal plan.
Disclaimer though: I haven’t done much due diligence on it. It was easy to install when I first started self hosting with Umbrel and I use it so rarely that it’s good enough for my usage.
There was a keyboard ages back that had a really nifty swipe shortcut for that. I really miss that keyboard!
It’s a pity this one doesn’t really work if you say it out loud.
Dad checking in… Got the groan from the wife and kid so it absolutely works.
If I could throw my little tidbit of advice onto the already great pile here: when it comes to expenses where you don’t know for sure the amount, always err on the side of overestimating. Then you can save any extra that was left.
Since you seem technical enough to use docker you should look at n8n. I’ve been using it the past few months for odds and ends and I love it so much.
You could totally set up an incoming webhook and then process anything you like in between and format it as an RSS feed going out.
Just to save anyone else who has no idea from having to Google it: Churu are cat food treats.