Is Arc considered obscure?
Is Arc considered obscure?
But only if that sexual odor is “pronounced”
What do you love about Kanazawa? Should I visit there?
Looks like all the British are a problem
Who are all the people immigrating to Australia?
The Leftovers. Still think of some scenes all the time.
It never occurred to me to feel repressed because I can’t walk around with a meat cleaver, but now it’s on my mind.
Strictly Ballroom, Baz’ first film
When they added the Borg “queen”, I was really bummed - because I had definitely thought of them as an autonomous collective.
I’m still on Google’s Keep. Please tell me why I should switch.
OnePlus charges so fast this isn’t a problem anymore
First computer only had a teletype, no screen. Oh and paper tape memory.
I changed your diapers for so many years, so you have to put up with my Dad Jokes
Unless you are a baker, then it’s “Pastry first”
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, ie antidepressants like Prozac
When I was a kid, we would spell out “dirty words” in people’s phone numbers and call saying we were from the “Telephone Number Decency League”. We’d say the naughty word thier number could spell and encourage them to call the phone company to ask for a new phone number.
I have a lot of opinions and beliefs that I can realize probably aren’t correct
Other religions are fake, but my religion…
Open the pod bay doors HAL.
I’m sorry Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.