I agree but I think fundamentally the smart tv hardware is so cheap to bundle in (and gives them hope of revenue) that it probably doesn’t add to the price.
Just set the default HDMI input to something else and ignore.
Did you mean PS2? There’s about a decade between N64 and PS3.
I have found my people.
My kids still ask me stuff that they should be capable of searching for themselves.
I mean, it’s nice to still be needed, but they’re mid-teens now and if search engines are too much effort then good luck surviving in the real world. 😂
(Kids, if you’re reading this many years in the future, I do love you, I promise. 😘😄)
It must be client-specific as the . isn’t part of the URL for me (Thunder/iOS)
They’re great for server side, but personally I wouldn’t use one as a streaming client.
Yeah Usenet was crap for binary downloads long before the BitTorrent protocol was invented.
It’s just so under the radar that it continues to plod along.