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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2024


  • After a shit-traumatic event I crammed bb down my throat to chill the fuck out. It was my Tetris =P! That opening song is fucking AWFUL to sleep to. And I wouldn’t advise it for anyone personally because it has woken me from the depths a truck-ton when I was using it during that period. Counter - I am always an advocate of their earlier show dr. katz. That’s a good sleep show because it’s like a podcast and not terribly loud or “exciting” but that’s just me.

  • Yes, my partner watches shows on her phone too. It has to be something she knows like the back of her hand but she still likes. To be honest it’s pretty much Futurama or American Dad and she plays it with the filters on and set down a bit so it doesn’t bug me (too much). I still don’t like having tv on personally in the house. I also have a Sony alarm clock that everyone hates for being “too dark” but it’s the only led I allow in my bedroom. Everything else is painted over with acrylic, turned off or taped over. It keeps things from distracting me. If you don’t like sleeping in the dark - find what you do like sleeping in. They sell multi-colored lights you can find your own rhythm and if you’re interested in a partner(s) down the line (or have one currently) there’s surely either something a) you both/all can agree on or b) will find that magical glass slipper of a person who likes the same sleep setup as you =P!

  • If you let any electronics come into your bed and you are attempting to sleep, you’ve already lost. But if you read on your devices try to turn off everything you plausibly can in order to setup an environment conducive to reading. You could also grab an ereader and load it up with a couple of books (not too many, you’ll get overwhelmed) and take them down bit by bit. Put on some soft music with a timer if you need some noise. Or get used to the silence, which I don’t think I was super into when I was younger but for sure got easier and more desirable as I got older.

    Put your phone across the room on a charger if you can - because it’ll not only help with falling asleep but also waking up. Because you gotta drag your ass outta bed to get it. If you live somewhere terribly cold leave your clothes under your sheets with your phone at the base of the bed. Try and keep them folded up so they don’t look like smashed up shit.

    My partner sleeps with tv on every night, but she watches it on her phone so everyone’s got their something. In extreme measures (when I am trying to force a habit) I have all my electronics shut down at a set time. But I am pretty okay with myself right now. Just figured I’d share what works. But you gotta find your own rhythm.

    One last thing is - if you get medicated you pass out like the dead all night. At least in my case. So you know, find what works.

    p.s. - WORKOUT! Do eet! Get yourself as tired as a sleepy dog.

    p.p.s. - Washi paper =)!

  • Idk bullshit peddler, I can’t get with you on this one. Because I think at the end of the day - anything will be seen as “up for grabs” and illustrators will be on the outs like loomers. And while I am somewhat okay with the idea of rug makers (among other loomable items) being antiquated - creativity should not be because it’s the pulse of human expression for many and if we lessen it/deny it - I think the whole world will begin to taste like corn-flakes.

    I saw this growing up in a way, they took our arts program and nobody really found any way to express themselves and at the end of the day where I grew up very few people ever amounted to much of anything =/! I think expression is needed, and must be safeguarded because you need to feel safe to express and must know that it’s a worthwhile venue to venture into. But this is all kinda arm flapping. You can’t stop the future and clearly AI is here to stay - so now we’ve got to work around what we can.

    But, by the by - I still love the bs you’re putting down =)

  • ++ I get so bummed out that people who are running models are unabashedly stealing from people left and right and then shrugging their shoulders for their unethical practices. Perhaps pay people for their catalogues at an agreed upon rate or be a disgusting pig and buy from their estate after death. But don’t just come out here and train your models on everything as if it were a free for all and as if creativity amounted to nothing more than fodder for unabashed capitalism =/!

  • I know that there are a series of faux-findings. Because I believe I read one in a book…? About chicken bones being used. And I know that there is a black fossil market including fake fossils. But the west went through their own bone wars and it makes me think that perhaps this is just an alternative of that. But I think there are so few great discoveries here in America exclusively by this point on account of everything being so moist and developed (although I know bogs can preserve things). I believe all the latest findings coming out of China are all from a desert portion of the country. And that perhaps being under-developed in that space and perhaps faults being exposed by say…earthquakes or something make the striation more visible which in turn leads to more fossils being detectable? I am not sure though, because I know very little about China as a whole and am not a geologist or a paleontologist.

  • Hahaha apologies by that I mean I know absolutely nothing about printing myself and we currently have zero setup because we’ve been on the move so much in our own lives. But I would love to figure out a way to setup something where I could get her even a small setup so she could tinker around. I just don’t even know where to start as in - what machine would I even get her that would be small yet functional enough to be enjoyable =)! But apologies, I talk like a 12 year old so I probably didn’t specify that. Hahaha!

    Also how the hey do you post images here? Cause I tried a couple of times but it never worked @_@!!

  • Shut the front door! My wifey just popped in and I showed her your work and she got green with envy and for sure is starting to have a think about how to create some kind of modular setup. Any recommendations for something small form then if you’re working out of a closet? (I am also laughing because I once was a closet -> computer person and you do what you gotta do in life =P!)

    Gunna pass those guys on and thanks a slew for everything even if we leave it at this =)!

  • Super cool, I’m gunna show the missus. She loves stuff like this. We’re renting, but I hope someday I can set her up with a whole workshop and she can tinker away all day and night. Because it’s what she loves most (as seen above). Any cool resources you’d like to point us towards? I’ll pass them on and maybe we can figure out some kinda “micro” studio we could implement in our current situation. I miss being in a major city, because I miss creation-spaces. While I am absolutely awful at this stuff (as previously stated) I am really good with pen and paper stuff. Stuff I can get my hands on. And loved hanging with with folks like you while just doodling away in spaces like that =)

  • Yeah shoes were optional for a solid chunk of change of my lifetime and I used to have some real rough feet and damn do I miss them =P! How do you do nowadays? I am still pretty minimalist. I like the heel of my shoes to be as thin as I can take them. But hiking, when I use those minimalist shoes I keep torturing myself my poking a fat rock right into a nerve that sends pain rushing up my being =P! I don’t think I’ll ever have it like I used to.

  • Yeah I was gunna say some plants are toxic to certain pets. And if cats are super into destroying your plants it’s probably only a matter of time before they find yours. Although I am not sure if this is a ratio thing (like chocolate) or what - because I only know it. I don’t have any personally.

    But also gj on this! I am not sure but did you add drainage? I know succulents need only a small amount of water so perhaps it’s not such a big issue. Just was the first thing I kicked around.