I’m still really struggling to see an actual formidable use case
It’s an excellent replacement for middle management blather. Content that has no backing in data or science but needs to sound important.
I’m still really struggling to see an actual formidable use case
It’s an excellent replacement for middle management blather. Content that has no backing in data or science but needs to sound important.
My favorite thing I’ve got off eBay so far was a catalytic converter. It was empty.
My state doesn’t do emissions, and I kind of knew what I was getting…but wow…I can’t believe a company would allow that in the first place.
You’ve clearly never lost a dispute on eBay. It’s possibly the worst customer experience I’ve had.
I needed a glass part for a projector, it showed up broken. Tried to send it back and the seller offered like a 10% refund. eBay…after waiting a week (mandatory dispute resolution time) showed up, spent another week trying to meditate, the just said fuck it, the seller is right, eat a dick and your broken color wheel.
eBay gives you the illusion of consumer protection until you actually need it.
But no, based on some of the car parts and things I’ve gotten off eBay…the quality is objectively not better than what I’ve seen off Temu.
Dunno…I’m not saying Microsoft isn’t doing bad things…I’m just saying they wouldn’t be my priority.
I’ve met people that have gotten decent stuff off there. Their clothes seem nice and the electronics are hit and miss.
It’s about the same rate of crap to quality as EBay these days, and Amazon is only marginally better.
Weird…very weird. AWS owns nearly 50% over 30% of the web, but they’re going after MS for a shitty product (Azure), which is at 20-25%
Agreed…the community editions of their tools are solid, but if you’re doing cloud stuff, get your company to pay for it. It blows VS Code out of the water.
VS Code is OK if you can’t afford the JetBrains ultimate subscription. I never want to see a VS Code launch configuration again.
I fought with Ubuntu for a weekend trying to get it to run my game library. I failed.
I will give it a swing again when steam stops W10 support.
It W10 for gaming and Linux for everything else at this point.
By anytime, it’ll be hidden in a hot fix 6 to 12 months from now.
That’s a fair comment I guess…but it’s the reality of the game. The US was a free market through it’s early history and today is the result of that.
It’s just how the free market ends, always. It starts with a few winners consolidating, abusing their monopoly and buying their government protections, and poof…welcome to late stage capitalism.
“Free Market” people always disregard human nature at it’s worst. There will always be people and orgs that game the system. You simply can’t prevent that. The US is absolutely an end game free market.
This is textbook late stage free market ideals at work. This is how the free market always ends.
No…stack I can usually figure out from the context of questions what went wrong. AI will very confidently and eloquently give you a very subtle bullshit answer.
What’s really ugly is it makes really good code with fucking terrible bugs. My last job for all of six weeks was trying to fix and integrations wrapper of an integrations wrapper on a 3rd party library of integrations.
It looked like really good code, but the architecture was fucked beyond repair. I was supposed to support it for a fortune 50. I quit before they could put me in the on call rotation.
Ok…that’s not bootlicking…that’s a legit plea for some poor fuck in the poorest of situations.
I’ve been in situations where I know I’m about to fuck my coworkers over and I let them know beforehand. Management can eat my dick however.
Bob, you might want to take a sick day on Wednesday…why?..just do it…here’s my linked in info.
Your milage will vary with your corporate policies. You’re not wrong, but you’re not completely right.
I can’t just pick up any smartphone and install a passkey manager on it. It has to adhere to some specific hardware requirements (like a dedicated chip or instruction set on a CPU).
So yea, in standing by the 2fa dedicated hardware line. It’s easier than getting into the weeds on hardware device configuration.
Basically dedicated 2FA hardware.
If you lose it, you’re fucked, end of story.
Dude…you need to get off X and watch something other than Newsmax
Except it’s not. I was excited when I read the headline…it’s only for people under an income threshold.
It’s going to turn broadband into healthcare as they try to make up that profit.