The final strawberry for me was forcing people to have 2fa.
The final strawberry for me was forcing people to have 2fa.
I know it is an unpopular opinion, but it is a huge headache in general. I don’t think the theoretical benefits (which make total sense) actually pay off in reality and are worth the extra headache. I’m not saying they should not have it at all, but it should be at least opt-out instead of forced.
In the case of github, I think it is part of their long drawn out plan of data collection and proprietary lock down. Next they are going to require your house address and government ID. I feel better using an free and open source platform anyway.
I’m just migrating away from github because of this. is looking promising.
You can release your other code under gpl 3 or agpl. If you or someone wants to use it in an mit licensed project you can license it to them under a special license that stipulates that it can only be used in that project and they must give back any changes. Lawyers, please confirm.
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