Great info. Unfortunately for me, this requires more energy than I’ve got laying around.
Great info. Unfortunately for me, this requires more energy than I’ve got laying around.
Honestly I don’t see a difference in 4k/1080p with streamed media. Physical media on the other hand is night and day.
In addition to what is mentioned by others, it starts the flow going to get a smooth pressure in the nozzle. While heating up the bed/nozzle, there can be an inconsistent melt in the nozzle. Sometimes a bit will ooze out and leave the nozzle empty. The purge will even all that stuff out and get fresh filament in there before it starts actually printing
It’s $10 on Etsy, but I left it in my cart overnight and got a coupon for 50% off. It would be completely unethical for you to DM me and ask me for a link to a direct download and for me to provide that link.
Weird downvotes, but ok. It was $5, which is far less than I’d spend on filament prototyping it, let alone time considerations.
If you wanna buy me a spool of white filament, I won’t stop you
This isn’t a service for someone who has the knowhow to get their own VPN. It’s so grandmas don’t get their bank accounts hacked while on hotel wifi.
I hadn’t seen the original post, so thanks for this one
Wait it’s not?
I saw a TikTok the other day of someone explaining that the filament dryers really aren’t all that great at getting it dry. Ultimately he explained that food dehydrators are the way to go.
It’s $25/mo for family. I hate that I pay for it, but I use music, and I mostly watch YouTube on a streaming device, so I’ve never been able to use ad blockers. $15 for the fam felt worth it, but $25 has me rethinking. Maybe I can configure YT-DL to get the shows I care about on my Plex
I just upload it to YouTube as “unlisted” and share the link