There is no bullshit. they claimed 620 miles in a week and a half off of just solar power. The converter they used is 97% efficient. They just hid the week and a half travel time.
There is no bullshit. they claimed 620 miles in a week and a half off of just solar power. The converter they used is 97% efficient. They just hid the week and a half travel time.
None. It was entirely solar based. This is their 2nd vehicle smaller and lighter than the camper they made. So 440 ranged is fully charged, otherwise 620 miles in a week and a half off of just solar.
Tech workers don’t live out here in significant numbers. They are way more common in the South Bay than the Fairfield area. IMO.
Yeah, let’s spend money to move offices to a worse location. More dangerous commute, more traffic, worse weather, worse neighboring cities and more air traffic,.
The developers don’t need to make it that appealing. It’s close enough to San Francisco and Sacramento while also being next to an airbase. The housing demand in the area is already high. They will be filled quickly no matter what. My bigger concern is what happens to Fairfield, I’m not sure if this will have a positive impact and I fear to see what a worse Fairfield would look like.
This isn’t all that close to SF. It’s about 45 min- 1 hour away. I doubt they are going to alter existing highways that have the comforting title of Blood Alley because of all the fatal crashes.
Public transportation out in this area is basically non-existent. We got some buses, and that’s it. The closest BART(Bay Area Rapid Transit aka subway) station to where they are building this is concord about 30 min away, with the ride into the city taking another 45. It’s on the cusp of being too far away to commute to the city.
It’s being built in a drought area, and the neighboring town has already said we can’t help with water.
Great as long as they don’t figure out how to knock the bowl over and eat off of the floor. Went from about 5-10 seconds to around 30-45.
Dude they have tech that streams directly into their brains. Probably just made a cookie from a scan from one of their game button node things.
Reminds me of California and Bay Area related posts. 98% of the people have never even been there and just lie and exaggerate its problems.
I know a lot of people hate it but I wonder if crypto/digital donation would work. All you would need is a separate wallet setup to pay the host every month. Maybe even have a graph/chart showing how much is in the wallet vs how much the monthly bill is.
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