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  • 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I know right? Open source hardware has so many potential benefits over commercial. Significantly decreased price, privacy, good documentation, right to repair, no conflict of interest and potentially one day performance. Imagine we have engineers from across the world improving a single computer chip design, generator design, solar panel fabrication process, or maybe even perhaps an open source fusion reactor blueprint someday in the next 20 years (pun intended).

    I’m seriously considering starting something like this myself. Open source blueprints for power generation/energy storage (regular batteries, thermal sand resevior based batteries, hydro power generation), water filtration, machine tools for fabricating anything, CNC machine, plasma cutters, hand tools, etc. Basically everything you could need to live Open Source.

    The problem as always is getting enough designers, engineers, and volunteers.

  • The Patriot Act and Snowden’s leaks have shown companies will go against their privacy policy to appease governments. Search engines especially are targeted by five eyes with the PRISM program where copies of all your data, linked to your payment, are sent to Five Eyes and stored. Gag orders and legal threats prevent disclosure, as has been done with prior tech companies who have tried to push back against this.

    Be wary of trusting corporations with your data as monetization is a powerful incentive.