You could write a userscript to maintain a blacklist with eg greasemonkey
You could write a userscript to maintain a blacklist with eg greasemonkey
I never made a MS account, so I no longer own Minecraft since they stopped accepting Mojang accounts. Sometimes I wish I had just bit the bullet and made one so I can still own Minecraft—I know I can pirate it, but it’s less convenient, and also I don’t know how well pirated Minecraft works with multiplayer. In any case I’ve just not played Minecraft in a long time, and not since Minecraft stopped accepting Mojang logins.
I am surprised you can’t transfer your licence to another account though. Since when they were making the switch to Microsoft accounts, they let you just transfer your licence from Mojang onto any old MS account.
Ultimately it’s up to you. I guess in your shoes I would be more erred towards deleting just because of all that personal information sitting around. Of course you can’t guarantee MS will “forget” it, but storage costs money, and they likely don’t want to keep around all your old data when most of it is not very profitable data to have. In my case, in hindsight, I’m now erring on the side of wishing I had just made an account, since there’d be no other data tied to that account and I wouldn’t have used it for anything other than Minecraft.
I don’t know about the US specifically, but oftentimes, and definitely where I’m from, laws can have a small amount of “common sense” leeway and judges can find justifications for rulings if they want to rule a particular way. e.g. I have pirated games that I legally bought because there’s literally no functioning “official” download link anymore, if anyone were to ever prosecute me for that, even if it were illegal technically a judge could find a way to rule it lawful out of sympathy or whatever other reason, if they wanted to. A lot of the time it’s “the government can’t have possibly intended this law to be enforced this way, therefore I rule XYZ”.
In any case, as you said, I’ve never heard of anyone being pursued for that. And if it’s not enforced, it’s not a law.
It’s a relatively new thing. i was watching YT for years with Mullvad with no issues then late last year started getting blocked. Right now I can only watch on either NewPipe or on the official web client while logged in.
I represent myself in all my cases :)
Great news for defendants though. I hope at my next trial I look over at the prosecutor’s screen and they’re reading off ChatGPT lmao
Cops confiscate devices all the time without good reason lmao. It’s commonplace to seize devices on a person upon arrest. Judges also grant search warrants upon very little evidence too. Cops absolutely don’t need to “prove” anything to a judge to get a warrant; there is no standard of proof at all; it’s a standard of evidence, which is not the same thing as proof, and a low standard of evidence at that.
in addition to what others have said, also have your browser fingerprint as fairly generic, and what is unique should ideally be randomised upon each start of your browser. There’s nothing stopping a Lemmy instance from running clientside code that gathers your browser fingerprint, and if they are well-resourced enough to have access to fingerprint data from other sites, they could correlate it to de-anonymise you.
What’s your OS and how are you installing it? It’d be normal for a package manager to check this for you.
I mean, yeah, it’s the threats you’re trying to protect against. Usually informed by which attackers are likely to go after you and what avenues they are likely to take, but you can decide based on whatever you like.
Self host email and nextcloud. Keepass for pw manager. I use davx5 and fossify calendar for mobile calendar. Nextcloud mobile just manages your files and doesn’t have the other Nextcloud apps.
Idc about Proton either way though. Imo if proton was fine for you before then it’s fine for you now. I just prefer to have control over my own services.
You can set qBittorrent to only use a certain interface, and set that to the wireguard interface of your VPN.
Only if you use privacy as the opposite of public. “Privacy”, though, generally refers to counter/non-surveillance. It’s not surveillance to be able to access data that you explicitly publish publicly.
Protonmail is a widely used and common email provider. There is no reason why an employer would be prejudiced against your application based on you having a Protonmail address. I think a far more common thing employers think about when seeing applicants’ email addresses are things like “haha, they’re still using their email address from when they were 8 of alexdaboss at gmail dot com”, but I highly doubt they care about what domain it’s on unless you’ve got like a pornhub.com address or something.
I’m also not a professional but I think it should be perfect for a YouTube-style video. You can easily overlay things, add text, etc.
It’s not hard to obtain someone’s biometric data. My concern wouldn’t be Amazon knowing my handprint (my government has my handprint, Amazon can just ask them if they want), but how incredibly easy it is to just get a print of someone else’s palm and charge them for your shopping. Pretty silly to use any biometrics as a primary authenticator rather than as a 2FA option.
It’s quite common for nazis to do both. “The death count is inflated, but they deserved it anyway/I wish it were more” and such.
“Why are you so mad” I’m having a casual conversation on a social media platform lol.
I didn’t vote in the US presidential election because I’m neither a citizen nor resident, and I’m also banned from entering your borders anyway lol. But sure I’m responsible for your fascism. Sorry for telling you to do effective things instead of checks notes sending pointless messages to underpaid Apple employees assigned to read customer complaints, who will have been told by their bosses to disregard these messages. My bad, don’t do any political activity, just complain to corpos instead.
I know. It’s a verbal shorthand.