ICE was patrolling outside of my son’s high-school today and all through out our downtown.
To be clear this is in San Diego county.
This is really starting to scare me.
ICE was patrolling outside of my son’s high-school today and all through out our downtown.
To be clear this is in San Diego county.
This is really starting to scare me.
Thanks for that image…
This is far more interesting than the robot.
Yep, have been doing so for a few years now. I’m happily married to a woman so it’s somewhat irrelevant what my feelings towards men and NB people are.
But fi you’re single and the guy is open to dating give it a shot.
I can’t speak to the accuracy of her physics videos but she’s made a few videos about topics she clearly isn’t an expert on and don’t relate at all to her field. The two I can think of are an Anti-Trans Video and a wierdly blatantly pro- capitalism video both poorly researched.
When I was roughly 10 years old I watched my next door neighbors’ parents’ home made hardcore sex tape. She had found it while snooping in her dads closet. So yeah, little old me (boy) and closest friend (girl) sitting on her parents bed watching a very graphic homemade porn.
Definitely shaped my sexual development…
How did you do the shading? I’ve never done leatherwork.
Meshtastic long range radio systems. Off grid, user created, low bit rate but stupid long range.
Hey I’ve got the same preferences as you. I just go with bisexual and call it a day.
Yeah, ever since she decided to weigh in on the transgender “debate” with a “science says you don’t exist” take I’ve moved on. That and the really odd “Yay Capitalism!” Video.
It’s always important to evaluate whether the speaker is an actual expert in the field they’re talking about or are they an expert in a different field and just think they can speak to subjects outside their field with the same authority.
This is the way. I’ve printed a number of items for insertion, condoms are the easiest way to keep things safe and clean.
This one is the most probable of all the replies. Mostly because Trump has been following Putin’s playback.
Albeit it might not be a full on conflict with a new nation but just a significant escalation i.e. Taiwan and China.