Might be worth waiting for some news outlets you’ve actually heard of to start carrying the story before you break out the balloons.
This feels like a cynical ploy for funding, like almost every “miracle battery” story carried over the past ten years.
Out for me too, but the life360 app working fine. Anyone reported it yet?
That’s a surprisingly well written article.
You make it sound like there’s a plan involved.
That’s a whole lot of “fuck spez”. Well done, strangers.
As a UK citizen, I totally support this. The more that the average voter is disconvenienced because of proposed law changes like this and the (unenforcable) anti-porn laws, the more likely they are to actually pressure their MP or change how they vote.
Trump style dead catism?
Keep doing crazy things so people stop talking about your last crazy thing?
Me too, but I couldn’t eat a whole one.
Bitwarden’s great, and I use it myself. But for a company with groups, “secure” sharing and so on, it just doesn’t compete on the features. But even so, LP’s card is marked for us.
Agree totally. A great project that just works. Love it
My employer users Lastpass, a commercial solution. That hasn’t been a good experience, with downtime, forced re-passwording and worst, having our details stolen from them.
As someone who was working in IT support at the time - YAY! NO MORE FUCKING TRUMPET WINSOCK!