But also fantasfuckingtastic seems fine, to me. Just one letter moved.
But also fantasfuckingtastic seems fine, to me. Just one letter moved.
Hi. You read correctly - the research is specifically about those with an adult diagnosis or self-diagnosis as an adult. Thank you for taking a look, though.
Just checked and the ethics approval currently covers UK participants only, but the plan is to create a wirld-wide study once this one is complete and analysed.
From the researcher: … more than happy to share the outcomes on the community. There is also in the questionnaire opt in to be notified about any results as well, but the plan is to do a ADHD-friendly report once it’s analysed and that will be shared.
Is it possible to change it so it’s HTTPS in the link? I just copied and pasted and didn’t look, since my browser automatically redirected to the HTTPS equivalent.
Hmm. I really struggled to type that and now I know why. Clearly my brain knew something was wrong but my conscious mi d was not seeing it