What about that thin shiney metallic woodwind instrument? And the musician who plays it?
Perhaps I am broken?
And here some people are just chuckin those into the trash without opening the card. Do you really need a card for: happy thanksgiving! Have you ever seen a typewriter?
Ah a fellow enjoyer of sarcasm. Man you know what I miss those posts about people bitching about people bitching about reddit.
From a brand new account no less.
Fucking autocorrect lol. I’ll fix it.
Blizzard you don’t freeze to death when you car breaks down in a storm wait is it a thunderstorm in the cold? Snow lightning is a thing.
If the answer is the same why ponder a question? What are you distracting from?
nOt EvErYOnE WhO iS rEiLiGiOuS iS a cUlTIsT.
Hey you tried posting content instead of just bitching about what you “don’t like to see”?
Look at this guy, he doesn’t know gun ownership is a cult. Praise firearm Jesus.
Are you ready for some Ad revenue!!!
Got to get up early to fool me Morty.
aSsANgAe oN tHe oHeR HanD
Did you see that Bill Burr bit on older lesbians?
Do you know any married people?
You happily married?