also, Fuck anything predicated on being popular. We can exist without constantly competing for a popularity contest.
also, Fuck anything predicated on being popular. We can exist without constantly competing for a popularity contest.
Fuck Bluesky and Fuck popular music.
One thing about Cory’s books is that there is always some extremely cringe party section with some rather forced romance part screaming “how do you do fellow kids?” even to me, a middle aged guy himself.
How is that relevant to this post?
This breach is worse than just a website’s database being leaked. These are info-stealer malware logs. Meaning that you had malware on one of your devices that recorded you typing your credentials into websites and then the logs of that malware were publicly leaked.
Before changing all of your passwords (and setting up a password manager if you don’t already use one) you need to identify which of your devices was compromised and wipe it.
If you change all your passwords from the compromised device then the malware will just record all of your new passwords.
Not a red rose or a satin heart.
I give you an onion.
It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.
It promises light
like the careful undressing of love.
It will blind you with tears
like a lover.
It will make your reflection
a wobbling photo of grief.
I am trying to be truthful.
Not a cute card or a kissogram.
I give you an onion.
Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,
possessive and faithful
as we are,
for as long as we are.
Take it.
Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding ring,
if you like.
Its scent will cling to your fingers,
cling to your knife.
Just tried this and the AI told me my question was a duplicate and my post was removed.
Don’t forget the tuition fees. The reason why a whole generation will never vote Lib Dem again.
your company is hiring and you want to help bring people that are like-minded
This is a mistake. When building any kind of team, you want diversity of experience, backgrounds, viewpoints etc. A mono-culture is extremely prone to group-think and is unlikely to generate ideas as quickly or elegantly as a team comprising many different types of people.
The second reason why I have always advised my teams not to consider “culture-fit” when interviewing prospective employees is that it is a covert way of discriminating against people who have otherwise protected attributes (race, religion, gender, sexuality etc).
You should hire people based on their ability to perform the job, and nothing else.
The story that this 260K parameter model generated (in the screenshot of their report):
Sleepy Joe said: “Hello, Spot. Do you want to be careful with me?” Spot told Spot, “Yes, I will step back!”
Spot replied, “I lost my broken broke in my cold rock. It is okay, you can’t.” Spoon and Spot went to the top of the rock and pulled his broken rock. Spot was sad because he was not l
It’s still impressive that they got it running. I look forward to seeing if their BitNet architecture produces better results on the same hardware.
blog post of the guy getting fucked by people polling his bucket due to an open source project typo
Was it this one?:
How do people end up finding them? Don’t they have random UUIDs in the URL? Or are they predictable?
Why did your distro update those Electron apps, if they have unsatisfied dependencies?
RAID is for maintaining availability and reducing downtime in the event of a drive failure.
Take a look at restic for backup.
I’m always dismayed but not surprised by how many people don’t know about Windows Platform Binary Table, which has existed since Windows 8. It’s not exactly the type of feature that Microsoft or the board vendors would want to publicize, seeing as it gives them persistent rootkit capabilities on the same level as UEFI rootkits.
Most normal people’s model of Windows security is “if something goes wrong then I wipe the disk and reinstall Windows,” and WPBT completely breaks that model, and has been doing so for 12 years.
Thankfully there are ways to disable it:
Looks like a nice idea but jesus tap-dancing christ that name is horrible. I can’t imagine ever trying to convince any of my friends to participate.
Is the whole stack open source or do we have to buy their hardware or license their software?
Their device does look very slick, but I’d like to hack my own system together!
Selection bias.
All of the people who are happy with the fediverse just stay here and participate without writing a navel-gazing “review.”
what does this mean?