Microsoft is a lot more aggressive with EoLing it’s Windows versions now exactly because XP lived so long. It was an absolute pain for them to maintain and support that for so long and they’ve made very sure they don’t repeat that experience.
Microsoft is a lot more aggressive with EoLing it’s Windows versions now exactly because XP lived so long. It was an absolute pain for them to maintain and support that for so long and they’ve made very sure they don’t repeat that experience.
Yup I’ve got a box in my mum’s house that all my off site backups go to and it’s a damn site cheaper just to give her some money for the electricity cost of it each month than pay for any cloud service.
You can pry my gen8 hp microserver from my cold, dead hands.
Probably for the best.
There’s a CSP for disabling it on windows enterprise devices at least. Not sure if there’s a way for pro and home machines.
Ah fair didn’t realise that. I assumed it would.
Can’t users just block entire instances themselves now? So the trick would be to join one that broadly follows your interests and cut down as required.
Broadly no but there are some tlds that are controlled entirely by certain entities that don’t allow use by people other than them, governments being most if not all of these. Also some countries will only allow residents/citizens to use that nation’s tld.
I mean I’ve been using an FP5 for the best of a year now and it’s fine? performance wise I have no complaints but I don’t game on my phone or use most social media apps which all look very bloated now days.
Either ignore like I do or add a self signed cert to trusted root and use that for your services. Will work fine unless you’re letting external folks access your self hosted stuff.
I like mine a lot but as the other commenter alluded too they’re pretty pricey but for the 13inch one I think it’s the best laptop on the market at that size at the moment.
I mean if you keep a FP5 for it’s entire service life it’s actually a pretty damn cheap phone. If all goes well maybe a couple of battery changes tops.
As an owner of a 13 I really like it. I only use it mostly as a YouTube and email machine while most ofy heavy duty work is on a desktop but it does well enough running popos. They are a bit pricey to buy new thiugh so either get one of the older one used or go the used think pad route for a similarly repairable experience.
They tried but they’re losing.
I mean for many (myself included) setting up shop in Israel is reason enough for boycotting an organisation.
Well where the hell else are we supposed to store our Marxist filth?
If you’re running mostly Linux vms proxmix us really good. It’s based on kvm and has a really nice feature set.
The trick to powershell is to make incredibly liberal use of tab completion to speed yourself up. Or make aliases for commands you use really often.
+1 for keepass. Been using it for years and love it.