I mean what makes u think that proton isnt just another NSA operation.
I mean what makes u think that proton isnt just another NSA operation.
VPNs protect your from geting caught torrenting, but it cant protect you from the US-goverment.
First of all most of the advertized VPN’s are Honeypots and/or back/bugdoored by the NSA.
And even if they where not…so much of the internet runs on servers/services/isp’s that are related to american companys that Timing attacks are possibe (for example your ISP logs and shared your encrypted traffic and the NSA then compares Timing patterns of requests with other services).
Lead exposure from leaded gasoline gave us modern merica.
Afwall. U need root for that, but its worth it, still wondering why android dosent come with a own firewall app smh.
Meds help. Without them it would be way more extreme to a degree where it isnt managable by non healthcare professionals.
The only thing that shuts it down 100% are benzodiazepines but those are not a valid long therm solution, and are for emergency situation (heavy panic attacks) only. Benzos are allready very addictive to normal people, now imagen how addictive they are when they allow you do be free from your 24/7 OCD stress.
If i interrupt a external OCD task (lightswitch example) then SO compensates by doing more internal tasks, it just shifts to something that is not external and thereby not stopable by anyone.
This all is allready with meds, without meds a ‘normal’ life would not be possible.
On a logical level they understand that the world dosent end if the task isnt finished, but to deeper parts of the Brain it still feels real, and the stress created by the fear of it is real, as real as it gets.
I have a SO like this. 8 Years now, it gets more easy over time, a bit at least. Real OCD is no joke, its like being insane while knowing. One knows on a logical level that it makes no sense to do this repetive actions, but has to do it anyway. Its often not only external stuff like washing hands, rotating objects till “they feel right”…a lot of ODC action are internal. Like saying certein sentences internal for X number of times.
As a Partner that can be frustrating causd you want to help the person u love but there is nothing u can do. You just have to accept it is like it is.
The internal permanent tention can be very exhaustig. Most people can have ‘empty head’ moments where you just chill and think nothing to relex for a moment. When u have strong OCD that dosent exists, every second your head is rotating, doing loops of things in your mind. Even simple things like catching a bus at a certein time can become extreme hard tasks cause you ‘cant just go’ no. U have to do all the internal and external OCD tasks before u can walk out the door.
All u can do as a partner is having patience, lots of it, and understandinf that the pressure to do this OCD tasks is as real to there brains as the need to breathe to us.
u saying there isnt the all seeing eye of the 3 letter agencys on everone online?
we may be biassed cause we only hear about those who slip thru the cracks
noncredible take: musk is a us gov sock puppet and if x is like this then its because that allowes 3 letter agencys to lure certein ppl in security to speak so they can be tracked better.
this is just another ad/spam again.
Yes FPV is first person view (drone acrobatics)
have u tryed like, starting to care about linux?
I am missing a FPV comunity or at least anything RC related
i will never trust a company that had so much investor money on hand to run such a massivr ad campain like Nord did.
It was missleading, agressive and anoying.
The pressure behind that ad campaim kind made me feel like the whole thing was just the biggest honeypot we have ever seen.
jokes on them i cant even afford processed foods.
if the forcr me to watch ads i will finaly leave that platform
Stallman would be proud. U did the right thing.
ew an holo and no flip up sights, jesus seams more of a FAL guy anyway
Use any VPN as if it where compromized.