It’s strange you’re getting downvoted, like you have given the ultimate solution to the financial transactions being surveiled problem… I really don’t get Lemmy !!
Hi 🖖🏻
It’s strange you’re getting downvoted, like you have given the ultimate solution to the financial transactions being surveiled problem… I really don’t get Lemmy !!
The question is can governments figure out where the server location is ? like there r extensions which allow u to c where the website is hosted
I don’t see what’s wrong with it tbh… It’s what’s Substack has been doing all along… also it clearly says “if you make quality content”… which makes sense…
It’s funny you you say that, because we humans as a species are so fascinating, we harnessed many forces of natue, and we came up with mindblowing ideas, yet when it comes to the concept of a government, we think that’s the only system that can work, and the only way that we can live, it’s sad honestly, governments abuse their power, you can’t get them to stop it… unless you want a bullet…so so much for being civil
Idk it sounds like a compliment…lol
“you’re such a snowflake ❄️”
me: 🥺👉👈
if you want to address the root cause of surveillance you should be demanding the government to change it’s ways ? Is that what you’re saying ?
I don’t think it’s the lack of transparency or corruption by the government, I think that the very existence of a government ( a centralized authority ) leads to this sort of behavior, you can’t outsource your power to choose, some of your absolute liberty to a ruler and expect they won’t abuse it, you can’t have your cake and eat it with this system, a system where democracies act as Dictatorships, and sometimes they do it openly and all you can do is watch
Since you noticed the bias, let me give you the real dark history of both Techlore and PrivacyGuides ( Jonah Argon ) and how they took over Privacy Tools.io and closed their subreddit.
Don’t trust Privacy YouTubers, trust experts who know what they’re talking about
If lunduke reports on it, yanno there’s an agenda… A browser for humanity he said !! 😑 we haven’t even started yet…lol
I have nothing to add, but OMG, it’s like I’m reading about myself, I’m 27 and I gave up on the entire dating apps thingy
anyone I’ve met on the apps keep using the apps while I see them
Especially this, although I never met them in person, I know they’re still talking to someone else, some even sent the wrong messages my way
Facebook and Google trackers.
I believe yes, disabling network access will disable the trackers ability to report to their server, a Calyx developer told me this, but do your own research
Shame it has all those built in trackers…
Oh dang it, totally forgot about that
they’ll be bought as well, just wait… 😮💨
It has to exist, it’s crucial… People won’t come to your platform if theres no mobile app…
Using the same client and everything works flawlessly, do your updates buddy
Congratulations on leaving Google, personally I still have an account but I never log in, it’s for those rare occasions when I need it… I would say though the tricky part isn’t leaving, it’s staying outside forever, I have convinced some people of leaving FB and even Instagram but they couldn’t resist the temptation and went back, they told me they felt bored because they had so much free time… 😐…
This one called Friendiqa, it’s on top of other apps so I’m assuming it’s their flagship app
however, you want a dedicated mobile app, then check out Relatica.
Oh this one looks way nicer, judging from the screenshots…
Friendica also supports the Mastodon API, so you can also log in with pretty much any Mastodon app.
Idk, on their website they list a few compatible clients, maybe other clients won’t work well…
Xiaomi has big issue with phone ownership, I think their new OS called HyperOS is step solely to make it as hard as possible to Unlock the bootloader…
That’s sad