Yeah it’ll come to the Air’s and the Mac Mini at some point. I suspect it’s actually cheaper to make on the new process node (it’s the second generation of TSMC’s 3nm process), so maybe it won’t be too far off.
Yeah it’ll come to the Air’s and the Mac Mini at some point. I suspect it’s actually cheaper to make on the new process node (it’s the second generation of TSMC’s 3nm process), so maybe it won’t be too far off.
MKBHD did a video on this. Pretty interesting.
Yeah worth considering, gets stuff done with less complexity than k8s. Teams that choose it seem to delivery more quickly IME.
While YouTube doesn’t commission, much, content it does store disproportionately more data. A streaming site has maybe 1,000,000 hours of content. That amount of content is uploaded to YouTube every day. It’s a totally different business model.
Seems like an interesting spin on what is basically ’random’. Probably a decent way to get content in front of users that might be outside their normal recommendations.
Is it some essential new feature, no, it’s just a bit of fun to find some new content.
total expenditures potentially reaching $9 billion
I imagine they negotiated quite the discount in that.
For folks in the UK if you’re in crisis contact the Samaritans call 116 123. It’s free and 24/7 and fully confidential. They’re helped me out in the past, don’t hesitate to call.
Oh great, another key to accidentally press when I’m in a game.
AWS/Azure are incredibly expensive compared to most hosting providers. If you need the services and scale they provide then they can be good value but there are for sure expensive.
I use it for free access to gpt-4 and dalle-3. Can’t say I use it as a browser though.
Alternative solution: pay for YouTube premium.
Apple already has their own thing for this
Yeah. There must be tons of places that would choose Slack, or another alternative, over Teams if they weren’t getting Teams bundled into a piece they were already paying.
I think auto generated subtitles were to fulfil a FCC requirement, some years ago, for content subtitling. It has however turned out super useful for LLM feeding.