or, and i’m just throwing this out there, the scientists used the yin yang symbol to demonstrate their new method, as stated in the article
or, and i’m just throwing this out there, the scientists used the yin yang symbol to demonstrate their new method, as stated in the article
maaaaan who the fuck lives life like it’s NOT a choose your own adventure.
turn to page 57 if you’re interested in finding out.
turn to page 72 if you don’t care and would like to continue scrolling.
big dicc ebergy
he wanted to preserve their friendship!
about who? what? must’ve been the wind
none of them, i’d rather not have any extra data on me out there that’s digitally storing it anywhere, even locally.
i keep my odometer and a pulse monitor with me, but they’re both local dumb.
“i hope you set up spanning tree properly and you better turn on that broadcast storm protection just in case.”
-The Port Authority
eh DHCP isn’t really important right? obviously if it hasn’t changed since the 80’s why would you need to reboot your server.
what are vulnerabilities?
i worked for a hybrid hosting and cloud provider that was partnered with Electronic Arts for the SimCity reboot.
well half way through they decided our cloud wasn’t worth it, and moved providers. but no one bothered to tell all the outsourced foreign developers that they were on a new provider architecture.
all the shit storm fail launch of SimCity was because of extremely shitty code that was meant to work on one cloud and didn’t really work on another. but they assumed hurr hurr all server same.
so you guys got that shit launch and i knew exactly why and couldn’t say a damn thing for YEARS
good things corporations are people too so their votes they paid for count right?
found the bmw driver at heart