Is this something you care about? If so, why?
Is this something you care about? If so, why?
It did last time I tried compiling AOSP. At least on the default settings. After I told the build system not to try building in parallel, I got that number down to 8 gigs. Still way too high. There’s no way anybody could develop AOSP on a phone.
The same applies to Android OS development. All of it. Android requires a very powerful 1000 USD desktop or laptop computer with 20 gigs of ram and 200 gigs of SSD hard drive space just to compile. This is unacceptable.
Meanwhile, mainline phone linux, like dreemurrs archlinux or postmarketos, can be developed using the same phone it runs on!!! All you need is a 20 USD bluetooth keyboard. It is fully awesome. Imagine a world where anybody with just a smartphone and a bluetooth keyboard could be an OS developer!
Fucking do it.
You will find no argument here about the problems that arise when corporations are not required to pay for the garbage they produce.
Optimising incandescent lightbulb efficiency is actually not easy to do. It is easy to make a lightbulb that lasts literally forever, if you run it cooler. But if you do that, your power efficiency will be total shit. (And your light will be uncomfortably red, but let’s say that’s less important for now.) You will waste a lot of money on your electricity bill. There will come a point when you will be wasting more money on electricity than the lightbulb is worth. This breakeven point is difficult to determine. It is a calculation that the average consumer shouldn’t be burdened with.
Large parts of the City of Toronto bike share—public infrastructure—requires such an app. Taxpayers without an iphone or android computer can’t access the services they already paid for.
If you think about it, tonne is actually a better base unit than grams, because it aligns better with the cubic metre (1m^3 = (approx.) 1 tonne of water.)
So really, I would ask why kilograms and milligrams, and not millitonnes and microtonnes?
I can picture it now. I weigh 70 millitonnes.
Interestingly, even Pine64’s smart watch requires you to silly cone glue the two case halves together if you want it to be waterproof. It does give you that option, though, which is cool.
It is actually fucking shocking how effective MDMA is at conflict resolution.
I recommend switching to MDMA, getting the UAW to take some too, then hug it out like Men. Side hug only.
Trust me, the problem is not enough drugs for that man. Not too much. Also, Face Off.
As an ex Elon fanboy let me literally honestly try the best I can here…
The best I can come up with is, “Hi. Elon here. Revoking UAW’s blue check was just a joke. Get it? Humour! I can humourise with the best of them. Ha. Ha. Ha.”
You’re welcome, though.
And while it is true that porting your old motorola would be a waste of time from a strictly economical standpoint, it would still be a valuable learning experience. And people waste their time on the internet all the time lol.
I would only say that rather than porting lineageOS to your motorola foan, you would be better employed porting postmarketOS to your phone. It is a much nicer operating system to work with.
PostmarketOS also has a handy list of the good phones. These are the best phones for modding because they are the best known, the best supported, and in a couple cases were specifically designed for modding. For a more gentle introduction to phone hacking you might be better off installing postmarketOS on one of these to start.
I use “foan” to refer to the nerf-tier android phones that are badly made, difficult to modify and repair, lose their upstream support in two years, and whose creators are openly hostile to the opensource community, i.e. most android phones.
This might not be what you want to hear, but you’re wasting your time. I have been there. Every one of these fucking android foans has its own foan-specific modifications to the kernel which can be found nowhere else, and not in a good way. You will need to be familiar with these modifications. Then, there are the userspace device drivers. Yes. Userspace device drivers. Android has them. Much of the hardware on your foan will not work without them. You will need to be familiar with every bit of hardware on your foan that you want to get working. These bits really add up. Camera (front and back), wifi, modem, audio, bluetooth, charging (yes, often a foan will not charge without drivers for the foan’s power manager), accelerometer, magnetometer, storage (onboard and sdcard), video, touch, etc… If you want your port to become official, that extends to literally every bit of hardware on the foan, period.
It will take weeks of real time to learn the Android operating system and to finish porting an unsupported foan, and when you’re done, there will be like three people globally who will use your work. Your foan is one of literally hundreds of other android foans that are all just as (un)popular and that all require the same amount of work to port.
But above all, android does not deserve your time, nor does it deserve anybody else’s. The development end of the android operating system is a terror to look upon. Just to compile it requires hundreds of gigs of SSD hard disk space and about 20 gigs of RAM. It deserves to be burned to the ground.
Take that time, convert it into legal tender, and use that money to buy one of the phones that the opensource community has agreed to support—a fairphone if you want something androidous and worky, and a pinephone if you’re feeling adventurous and want to see what the opensource phone world looks like without android (preview: quite a lot nicer on the development side, still a little broken but definitely usable on the user side).
Nintendo makes it as hard as possible to use their computers generically.
Nintendo fanboys: “Thankyou, sir, may I have another?”