Believe it or not, sexism!
They usually place the man’s name first and then only pass on those names.
We just made up portmanteau names for our kids, based on what sounded good. Over time, this should improve the overall coolness of last names.
It’s surprising the psychological difference of “net seventeen people think you’re an asshole” vs “twenty people think you’re an asshole, but three people get you”.
It helps a lot with your sense of touch, too. Whenever I shave anything it feels numb.
That’s part of why I prefer spray-on sunscreen.
Because “works just like email” sounds like a good thing to us.
I blame Heaven’s Gate and OceanGate.
Nowadays you can’t compare anything to anything.
In hindsight it’s sad how very right he was. Now when I think “I want to send Alice a message”, I just go to the app I know will work, instead of trying to remember if Alice still uses Signal too.
Polygamy is fucked up
Polyamory is cool
Man, we need mesh networks yesterday. I don’t care if it’s slow, I just want them to get out of my face.
No, I just think we should address massive ejaculation on a systemic level instead of propagating the “semen footprint” fallacy. It was designed by Big Dick to make you feel guilty and powerless.
That’s a very charitable analogy, because most people don’t make any semen at all.
Why do you think the pollution is evenly distributed?
Alternatively, 37 billion tons per SatansMaggotyCumFart per year.
Finally a use for NFTs!
There’s a reason those don’t exist.
He’d get hunted down extra fast. The cops would unload full clips on random cars that just look like the killer’s car. They’d send every man they’ve got after the killer, and then burn down the cabin in which he’s hiding.
Cops are right wing assholes and look after their own.
Half the white people: Yee haw, I’m gonna shoot some minorities! I’m in a militia!
Other half of white people: Don’t worry, the police will protect you. No
militiasgangs allowed!