Purpla vor dat stealth rig
Purpla vor dat stealth rig
The average playerbase of linux is still under like 2% so its understandable if they stop supporting it.
Also checked on protondb, and looks like runs great if you enable proton-ge, so you might still want to give it a chance
You can play most of them with proton, but some multiplayer games are impossible because anti cheats not supporting linux.
You can check your games at protondb if they run well, or have instructions how to run them.
As a manga reader, this one is a wild ride.
May she find many strange and poisonous plants
Yes, they added some new g codes for the extruder bit (even that is just used as an axis), but otherwise you could hand code a 3d print. Probably not a good idea, but could be done. CNC is cool
“Unlimited powwa”
-ironically, the only villain in the movie without prosthetics
Spotify execs hate this one trick
I always find the word “femcel” funny, since the word incel came from a woman describing her situation.
Would you like to know more?
Sad part with that is you miss like the final 1/3 of the game.
Seeing how many blue marks are on twitter, more than you think
If you rock and stone, you are never alone!
Honestly the best new coop shooter is deep rock galactic, fun game, many bugs to be shot, no monetization after buying (theres a free battlepass, but after the season the cosmetics get into normal loot drop, and supporter skin packs).
Damn, Todd Clorox got access the spaceships now? Nowhere is safe.
20 cents for every death threat not sent? Sure! Whos counting? Dont worry, our propiertary system counts every unsent message, you only need to pay up ^(works every previously unsent message, but only if you got more than 200 000 the past year, we got you)
Bit seriously, why do some people always so eager to send death threats? It almost never achieves anything, gets you on the moral low ground and doesn’t even get to the right persons the first place.
Dont blame the heathen for not understanding the holy script, for he hasnt found the path yet.
The most scary stuff is just not doing or experiencing anything after death, at least for me. (Probably the biggest fomo on earth)
+1 jellyfin
The only trouble I found is playing something with opus voice track doesn’t work in the app, and some browsers. Otherwise it’s great