Or gnome disks, which also adds an “open with ‘write to drive’” option to isos and images
Or gnome disks, which also adds an “open with ‘write to drive’” option to isos and images
dd status=progress
can also tell you how far along the operation is.
Disable “(improve) location accuracy” in settings and location history in Google settings (I think)
No. The biggest problem with climate change is that people are profiting off it. That’s it. Nobody needs to pretend that they’re better in order to care only for themselves.
How certain are you about the amount of toilet paper they used?
Any toilet paper will do that. I promise you can’t clog a toilet by only using toilet paper, unless you use a whole roll or more.
It doesn’t even have Ethernet, how could it have poe? Also poe is just stupidly expensive for what it is.
European retailers seem to be better stocked
That’s my whole point; No, more ports isn’t more better. If you don’t need them they’re just more cost, more holes where water/debris can get into the machine, and more wrong holes to plug the charger into. If you do need them, then buy a machine that has them - there are plenty.
If youre in an office you can be expected to use a dock
Almost every laptop does have a dedicated HDMI port
Show me one architect that is actually dragging along two external 4k displays with their laptop.
If you are a professional with specific needs buy a specific laptop. Frankly there are more than enough laptops that have more ports if that’s what you need. Except even in your example you don’t even need more ports because you can just use the second USB4 port.
Please do! I think your design should fit my 6a perfectly.
Most devices only have 40gbps USB4. Which is still enough for almost all sane use cases. Frankly, if you need multiple 4K monitors get a desktop.
That’s the most straw in a straw man I’ve seen in the whole thread.
Most new laptops have USB-C, A, and SD/micro SD, and HDMI. That’s 95% of all uses.
If you really need more then you just bought the wrong laptop. Get a Thinkpad or framework 16. If you need to interface with old hardware, get a contemporary machine.
I suppose they don’t use their superlatives quite that inflationarily.
I’ve read the comment, but that’s not how taxes usually work. (It is, however, like a lot of people with little knowledge about the topic think tax deductions in general work - which makes me suspicious)
It would take bit more of the than that comment at face value to convince me that apparent law exist(ed)
It really seems like these would be more expensive by more than the tax benefits
Look at the size of it, there isn’t even enough space for a human to sit in there, let alone walk
“just” setting that up takes much longer than installing a small app to do it.