
An interactive tragedy.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


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    “Although we are still assessing the impact, but overall, I don’t think it has any significant impact to our business and to our future performance,” Yang said. “So many other countries that have that kind of policies like Brazil and India. So actually it’s not a disadvantage, but probably an advantage for Lenovo.”

    Yang went on to say that because of Lenovo’s global manufacturing footprint with facilities in several countries including the U.S., the company is more resilient and flexible allowing it to adapt to different scenarios.

  • I didn’t say it was private, I said it wasn’t public, there’s a difference. If you asked me what number I was thinking of I’d tell you, but that’s not the same thing as the number I’m thinking of being public information. ActivityPub is, at its core, about consent. We have consented to having our data be sent to any person able to serve 200 responses on an inbox endpoint by using instances with open federation. We could, if that makes us uncomfortable, moved to a closed federation system where we only accept request from an allowlisted set of instances, with software that follows the spec’s public addressing system.

  • He stirs a lot of shit on his Mastodon account and gets into spats with other fedi devs. Just the other day he got into a one-sided spat with the GtS dev because the GtS dev implemented a feature to randomise the number of active users, which led to goblin.technology topping pixelfed.social in the FediDB charts. He then accused them of doing this to undermine him specifically, of wanting to ‘de-legitimize Pixelfeds growth’, despite it being explicitly a privacy feature.

  • And you can see in my photo that I’ve followed Dansup but his profile is still not showing any posts or even a profile picture.

    His last post was 4 days ago so there hasn’t been anything new enough to send to you. Try following his Mastodon account, he uses it a lot more.

    I also have several posts that predate my server in the global feed from accounts I have not followed.

    Someone you followed may have boosted them, old posts will show up if the boost happens after you follow them.