Oh I know. But minor threat and black flag used to have these neoNazis show up at their shows. I think he acknowledged that once he realized they wanted to use his frustration for oppression they stopped playing it. I think it was in, “this band could be your life”. Much like X hating the fans who cheered on “Johnny hit and run Pauline” from “decline of the western civilization”. It’s crazy how people twist things.
Twin Peaks season 3 episode 8 comes to mind. It might not be something I want to watch over and over but it’s probably the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen on broadcast TV. A surrealism short film in the context of a series that both has a self contained story and speaks to the broad narrative of the series. Krzysztof Penderecki’s Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima, Nine in Nails, The Platters’ “My Prayer” on the soundtrack? Amazing! Still to this day I can not believe the artistic freedom allowed by Showtime to create this. Jaw was on the floor for the entire episode. I’ve felt for a long time that nothing could actually be new/shocking/different on broadcast TV. This changed my mind. Nothing has even been close imho.