Maybe the flood of posts from op
Maybe the flood of posts from op
Do you need more than locate offers?
You’re posting this brief message a lot, so I googled it, and, no releases since October 2022? Only on f droid and is there really no way to pay other than PayPal donations? Am I looking at the right neo launcher?
Development isn’t dead, but the lack of releases and fees (one time purchase, please) don’t give me confidence.
Of all those, I’ve only heard of Heztner. Am I out of touch?
I’ve been a Linode customer for years, and I used to use Digital Ocean as well. I’ve been happy with them, did you consider them?
None that article, but check my other reply and check your plan. You may be pleased, I was.
The marketing fluff doesn’t, but they actually did increase upload speeds. Mine went from 10 to 20 up. And here is the DSL reports forum thread from when this round started.
Also, they are testing larger increases. I could get 100 up today, if I had a supported modem.
So, check your actual plan and modem to see what you have now.
Yes. 2019 comment from cloudflare:
On my network, I send dns requests for only the archive domains to a DNS server that archive likes. Adguards, in this case. Everything else goes to cloudflare. Both adguardhome and unbound can do that.
Ping is not a good way to test http, because they are completely different protocols, and can be blocked separately or not. From what you have posted so far, I don’t see a problem being demonstrated. Your caddy log here also shows one successful request. So: define “not working” better. Are you testing from a browser? Via curl? From where? To exactly what urls? What message do you get back from your browser/curl?
But who is running the bitwarden server? Bitwarden the private company.
I self host vault warden, but it’s really not something everyone can do.
Websites sure have been milking this all year, huh? Must be reliable ad revenue it gets posted so much