Power Toys Run (from the paper toys suite) is a fantastic launcher that’s better than the start menu.
Power Toys Run (from the paper toys suite) is a fantastic launcher that’s better than the start menu.
Sshfs to Nas? Does that mean you have a persistent ssh session open from your host and are using it as a file system to a self hosted Nas at your home? Or did I misunderstand that?
Stack exchange is CC licensed, and they host a lot of user content.
Sad thing is, plenty of people will lap this up as a good thing and see it as a benefit. At least at first, until they realize they have to watch some TV based ads before they watch the ad roll on their YouTube video, followed by the second screen showing some banner ad the whole time. Yick.
Could still get hacked, but the point stands that is an extra level of verification.
This is a tricky problem to solve for sure. I’ve been battling it for a while myself.
Not a huge surprise there is a large anti-capitalist faction on lemmy, so this isn’t terribly surprising.
I’m no meta apologist, they’ve done enough to warrant skepticism. The reality is they can harvest the data even if you defederate their main instance, by setting up shadow instances or just scraping other instances, so that argument doesn’t really hold water for defederation. The bigger one is content vs spam coming from their instances and possible EEE measures, but immediate defederation only serves to keep them siloed off and does not let them function as an offramp to better instances for regular users.
Didn’t even know this was a thing, and since I live by multiple monitors, this makes me glad I’ve held off.