That’s OK. Fortunately for OP, I am well versed in spotting projection. Edit: also, in this case he happened to be right lol
That’s OK. Fortunately for OP, I am well versed in spotting projection. Edit: also, in this case he happened to be right lol
lol…or CPTSD. Or both. who is to say. i say it all with humor though.
What do you think spider web is? Just kidding, it’s not poop. I think.
Because you don’t love yourself as much as you should, or you would take care of yourself. Because we take care of those we love. But, apparently, you love attractive women enough for them to be motivating. Whenever I know something that motivates me, I use it to the best of my ability, until it comes more naturally (which almost always is by healing something from the past).
So, if being around attractive woman motivates you, be around them as much as you can. Without being creepy or stalkerish or anything non-consensual of course lol.
Edit: also, many of us aren’t taught this, and it certainly doesn’t always come naturally.
Nice. Yeah, I like to think I have had them at a loss since the early 2000s when they sent me a $600 DVD player/writer instead of the $300 DVD player that I ordered. I tried to do the honest thing and send it back (knew i had no legal obligation) but the process at the time was so annoying that i just kept it.
Nice. fuck bezos with his blue origin penis rocket
Yeah, I haven’t used it in a few weeks and haven’t missed it either. I had stopped watching any of their streaming once they started that ads bullshit.
Already canceled my Prime subscription renewal due to Bezos’ prior shenanigans. Unfortunately, still have it until June. But, I don’t plan to use any of it.
I have been keeping Apple notes since 2020 about my thoughts on the world’s insanity. They are backed up. I also have books and archived electronic files that will fulfill my survival and entertainment needs. Also, hosting my own LLM and have backup power.
Also, red MAGA hats. Often seen together these days.
Very interesting, good find! I remember reading recently how it is thought that we expire up to 80% of our calories through our breath. Curious if there is also any correlation between obesity for some and breathing? Especially those that continue to struggle with weight loss even when on a calorie restricted diet.
That would be nice! I did get 16 years out of Reddit at least before giving up…
Oh for sure…and I’m here after slashdot stopped listening to users, then digg, then Reddit …
I like that I first commented on this post two days ago, and other people are still conversing. I miss how conversations spanned over months/years in the early days of the internet. It feels cozy, especially since Reddit got so large that many posts burn out in hours, or are so popular that you’re just screaming into the void.
I think the real problem is the drive to monetize so much of the technology. For instance, product owners continually try to increase engagement in their stupid apps and continually move things around and add new widgets that people don’t want, or use, all while continuing to degrade the experience of the features that they do use.
lol thanks from a white guy in Ohio, USA that loves all, even those who hate.
Echo chambers are not bad when the echo is due to the majority opinions being in favor of basic human rights and equality. Giving voice to those that spew hate is not conducive to going anywhere except a circle.
Yep. Just getting ready to replace the color laser printer I bought almost 10 years ago. I had been considering a new Brother before this but looks like I’m going the 2nd hand route again (last one was an open box HP from microcenter for $200 lol)
Yes, so nice proportion of smart people. I was whining to my wife the other day how I miss the internet of the 90s when that was more the case.
lol…nice. thanks for the info and for teaching me a new word for poo.