In the next protest mods should allow content like porn as another way of protest.
In the next protest mods should allow content like porn as another way of protest.
My grandma passed away from dementia a couple of years back. My mom has symptoms of ADHD. I am diagnosed with ADHD. The only person in the family to get diagnosed and actively treating with meds and stuff.
I wonder if knowledge and meds can stave of dementia.
That would have been a mature thing to do.
It would be the same in communism or any political system. Bullies will end up with the most influence.
You missed the entire point. Typical Apple fanboy.
The iphone isn’t at all important to humanity and that’s why it should be regulated. Especially when something so unimportant gets such a large market dominance.
Anyone should be able to buy anything and expect things to be interoperable.
I like the airpods. They don’t work properly on android. Why?
They could easily license out the tech and other companies will pay billions for it. and Apple will get their ROI.
Intel was forced to license x86.
Face it. Apple’s behavior is visibly monopolistic. It wouldn’t have landed on DOJ’s desk if there were no good reason.
All fine and dandy. Kudos to Apple for the innovation! But then they decided to keep it strictly inside Apple.
That’s not how communication works. Imagine if Bell kept the telephone to themselves… Oh wait… They tried… Got sued for it… Company broke up and the whole world got interoperable telephone system that is alive to this day.
Innovation is great, capitalizing on innovation is also great. But eventually it needs to reach everyone and the answer cannot be “then everyone should buy Apple”.
Imagine if DARPA kept the Internet as “Americans only”
You can use a bridge network or the host network.
In bridge network it is like a NAT host. With its own firewall settings.
In host network mode, it will just open the port it needs.
That’s why we need to hit peak oil fast. It will be a definitive fuck you to oil.
Always have been.