Thanks for sharing! There’s also a local instance for ! that I’ve recently taken over moderating.
You can find me spending most of my time moderating and sharing in
Thanks for sharing! There’s also a local instance for ! that I’ve recently taken over moderating.
We have ! if you’re wanting a local instance.
Video Games
All that’s missing from this story is an “and everyone stood up and clapped” line.
This. I’ve got a family, a mortgage, debt and everything else that goes with adulthood. My aching joints are the only thing that makes me feel like an adult.
It’s such an awful site, and always surprises me when I see it being used/shared. Surely when it comes to tech there are better resources than a tabloid for it.
I’m trying to run a community here, so it might not be a surprise and may actually be cause and effect, but is somewhere that’s taken hold of one of my social media habits too. It’s one of first places I check in on and spend a considerable amount of time using.
No worries. Easy mistake to make.