Set realistic goals
Set realistic goals
The first person to coin the word meme was Richard Dawkins in his book ‘the selfish gene’. He also postulates in the same chapter that religion is a particular form of a meme. So you’re one hundred percent correct!
You should read the book Superintelligence, it’s very interesting, and catches not only possibilities and limitations, also societal impact.
Sick that you shot this without a telescope! You must have great night skies where you live! Maybe I’ll try galaxy shots as well some time, I mostly do star trails
Kind of petty from Zuck not to roll it out in Europe due to the digital services act… But also kind of weird since it’s open source? What’s stopping anyone from downloading the model and creating a web ui for Europe users?
This is one of the most beautiful open source dashboards I’ve ever interacted with
‘You can basically call me a printer god now’
Loving this.
It is pretty cool, but it’s a bit misleading… They didn’t ‘see’ dark matter, because it doesn’t interact with light or any particles. But they detected weak gravitational lensing caused by the dark matter (or any alternative source of the gravity we’ve coined dark matter), so this is not really conclusive physical evidence of dark matter.
But I’m no expert, please let people with astrophysics background correct me if I’m wrong.
They say very easily that it is economically viable, but I don’t see any proof or even calculations of this. It’s a nice discovery to be sure, but this kind of journalism is not the best way to communicate to the people.
Hooray, I will finally get to turn all my one handed actions into two handed actions! /s
And another side note, this is nothing new. Researchers have been doing this for ten years in this and other area’s, for instance to design new antibiotics against resistant strains. AI has just been slapped on here to make it sound cutting edge, which it isn’t.
In my opinion, it’s always been about determinism and convergent evolution. Determinism states that if the cards were reshuffled and evolution were to take place again from the beginning, more or less the same would happen. There wouldn’t be sentient octopuses or hive mind ants controlling the planet, because there are simple evolutionary pressures giving rise to features that eventually lead to more or less bipedal apes.
This hooks into convergent evolution. This is about the fact that features like wings and eyes were so successful in terms of evolution they actually evolved independently of each other multiple times. Eyes evolved in different lineages and evolutionary pathways around 65 times during the history of earth. This indicates that simple evolutionary pressures (like needing to look around) will always end up with something that is a lens based retinal pigmented organ. This deterministic view of evolution leads many to believe that on another planet that looks like earth, inhabitants will look like us due to the rules and constraints of evolution.