DDG is also a for profit venture and uses privacy more as a marketing ploy. They’ve been caught allowing Microsoft trackers.
DDG is also a for profit venture and uses privacy more as a marketing ploy. They’ve been caught allowing Microsoft trackers.
And if you do, welcome to having an anxiety disorder
Circumstances outside gaming where any high end laptop isn’t good enough is pretty niche and I don’t think this really matters to most consumers. I would prefer to run Linux but at work, my options are Windows or MacOS. It’s a pretty easy choice. Apple products are great when someone else is paying for them.
The only reason people buy cars instead of tennis shoes is because cars are faster
Same thing they did to housing. Incoming 10 to 15 year car loans.
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It was pretty bananas for a minute. The Mazda dealership offered us 5,000 more than we paid brand new for my wife’s Mazda 3 in 2018. I told the salesperson that it makes no fucking sense and he couldn’t explain it either. Didn’t go for it for a bunch of reasons but it was really odd.
The problem is the walled garden, both ecosystems have those features but they don’t work together. If all your friends have iPhones, there’s a lot of pressure to also have an iPhone. And once you’re in, you’re not likely getting out unless all your social circle does at once. That kind of lock in is extremely valuable.
Markup languages like HTML are declarative. That means you use it to describe the result you want but you don’t give it any instructions for how to actually do that. An imperative language is used to actually describe the behavior. Traditional programming languages are imperative. An imperative language is necessary to interpret the HTML and actually display the content in the desired way. You can’t use HTML to accomplish anything by itself. This distinction is why calling HTML a programming language is contentious.
Why don’t you guys start a new community that suits you? I bet there’s more people that feel the same way.
That was the joke he was making the first time and you didn’t get it so he slapped you over the face with it and you’re still not getting it.
It’s a great idea and I’m very interested but this article is just an ad. There’s very little substance.
The developer of paint.net sells it on the Microsoft store to support the product. Not any different than buying an app through the App Store or Google play store.
It’s created by a Microsoft Engineer, not super surprising they leverage Microsoft tools to get paid.
I upgraded from 11 to 14 pro and was pretty underwhelmed. It was kinda worth it for the camera but besides that, it’s the exact same phone.
When I first joined, I hopped around instances and tried out a bunch. But eventually I settled on this one and I haven’t logged in to any other account in a while. I probably count as like 5 inactive users. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a lot of that.
Posts are going up pretty steady, that matters more.
A few posts up, there’s an article about how basically all cars manufacturers are a privacy nightmare
Is there a way to actually know that?
They don’t. Libre Office is maintained by a non-profit called The Document Foundation. They’re funded entirely by donations. I think they make enough to have some full time employees.
A lot of open source software is created by individuals or non-profits. The Mozilla foundation makes Firefox, for instance. They make money through donations and also Google pays them a ton of money to be the default search engine.
There are for profit companies that make or contribute to open source software. Such as Red Hat. They tend to make money by selling support for the software.
Houses are stupid unless you live in an RV
E-reader is a much better experience for reading text but tablets are better for comics. There’s very limited color e-ink options and they’re very expensive with pretty washed out colors.