Related but not the same.
IT nerd and synthesizer player from Ohio. Reddit refugee, here to stay.
Related but not the same.
Transformers don’t deal much with resistance though…reluctance I was referring to magnetic reluctance which is the magnetic analog…more applicable to the transformer in this case. Thanks for the interesting exchange 🙃
Nope! Referring to
It’s just a phase. They will get over their reluctance.
Putzing around is another way to say goofing off.
I always enjoyed the word putz. I typically use the verb format but it amuses me that every definition is so different lol.
I just want to see the day where as a pedestrian I don’t feel like my retinas are fried every time a car passes at night or has their brights on during the day (ugh). I know it is wishful thinking because apparently politicians don’t give a shit about pedestrians (or cyclists).
A graduation cap! Just finished the bachelor’s woo.
Two things for me… pomodoro method and the mantra “Don’t put it down. Put it away.” Pomodoro got me through college and made hyperfocusing on assignments seem like more of a choice. The mantra? It is part of my inner dialogue all the time lol. I tend to put things where ever and wouldn’t you know it? In a day my home is a mess. So once I heard the suggestion I took it to heart and it does actually really help me remember WHY to put things away. Because the “oh I will grab it and put it away later” is a lie.
Therapy? I react badly to all ADHD medications so I am not medicated for it. What has helped me the most is working through things with a therapist who also helped me with implementing coping mechanisms. Things like pomodoro method (this got me through college!), organizers at “drop spots,” and learning how to self talk made a huge difference for me. It is not impossible to do well without meds…it is just harder.
Darning is a method of mending socks. It is a nerdy pun.
Teenage engineering partnered with Nothing. That isn’t the same thing.
100% this. I found the book “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown to be very helpful with mentally working through this. I still feel guilt occasionally but knowing that I am the way I am and that guilt does not provide a productive resolution to the “problem” typically is enough to pull me through.
Rusty Chevrolet by Da Yoopers. That whole album is just hysterical.
This is a tough decision that only you can make. I have been in and out of college since 2003 and still have a few classes til my bachelor. What worked for me once I was in the field I wanted was to cut back to one class at a time and just gradually churn through. Depending on your school/work/debt situation this may or may not be doable. What really matters is to step back and ask yourself why you are pursuing school, if continuing now will pay off in the future, and if pausing and returning is something you would actually do if you left now. Does your workplace offer assistance for education? That can be a great help if you want to slow down.
When I first started browsing for new communities that is exactly what I did. I used the browser on my Pc to have one tab with my native instance ( and one with the instance I wanted to browse. Once I found something I was interested in I went to my instance, searched with the !community@instance.etc formatting twice (once to discover if need be and the second to actually get to the community). The I could go to the sidebar and subscribe.
It was tedious but helped me get involved more in other instances. I believe is a browseable list of communities if you would rather search that way.
Honestly I don’t know much about these things but have been around electrical engineers! I looked up a few things I will admit 🙂