Guilty as charged.
Guilty as charged.
She peers into the Denuvo Eye of Terror for the good of us all.
That’s exactly what they’re called and you’re right about them being difficult to get after the fact. It is possible to find the right forced subtitles on different subtitle sites and Plex makes it very simple to integrate them but I’ve had very mixed results finding them.
I live in Australian state that has two party consent for recording of phone calls, I’d love to see the legal decision that would come from this sort of recording but not keeping audio type of call record. It’d be interesting, I think.
Honestly, I can’t trust anyone who says:
Defaults to int if I’m not mistaken.
I’ve always put it down to selection bias. Listening to a 60’s/70’s/80’s auto generated playlist on YouTube Music will eventually run out of the hits of the era and get into the weeds. The terrible, terrible weeds.
But according to my parents that was the hay day of music. It goes to show if you only listen to the good stuff then you’ll fool yourself into thinking that it was all good.
And last night her and I were getting hot and rotund.
No you don’t understand, this 9-to-5 job that’s slowly but surely wearing me down is just a stepping stone to my millions of $$. That’s why I keep voting for tax breaks for the rich; because I’ve just been temporarily down on my luck for 30 years. /s
I stopped using wired headphones before I had a device without a headphone jack.
I found the cord infuriating, always seemed to get caught or tangled on things, always making sensitive skin contact (like just beneath my jawline) where I was forever readjusting it and sometimes the cords lifted the headphone out of my ear.
Conversely, I’ve had three pairs of wireless headphones. First pair didn’t like getting christened in the washing machine, second pair is still going strong and third pair are AirPod Pros I bought before a flight for the noise cancellation which are also going strong. Maybe I’ve outsmarted the whole of Apple’s engineering/marketing department but I’ve never felt like the sets I’ve had are underperforming on battery life and have no reason to buy sets to replace the working ones I have. The small conveniences, like not being tethered to my phone and freedom from cords, have absolutely made the change to wireless worth it to me.
The biggest and most obvious downside against wireless headphones is compatibility and price.
Everytime I consider buying an EV I do some research and they always seem to have all of the bells and whistles. Then I get to price and it’s like $60,000+ and I can’t help but wonder how much cheaper it could be without all of the added features.
Edit: I’m not going to reply to everyone and I really should have mentioned since it’s not immediately obvious but I’m Australian. No Chevy volt and and all vehicles are imported increasing prices on top of the usual AUD imbalance.
A message for Australians too unfortunately. The LNP (our right-wing party) made efforts within their time in power to coax people into using private insurance and punishing those who do not. And unfortunately even with the more centre-left party in power it doesn’t seem like the public system is getting much more love.
Sure am, iOS 17.0.3. Didn’t work on the 17 beta either nor in 16 or the 16 beta. Also doesn’t matter whether it’s coming from a Pixel or Samsung Galaxy.
Doesn’t look like it does.
Sweet home %DEFAULT_CITY, where the skies are so %DEFAULT_COLOUR
Went and had a look and it’s some of the funniest stuff I’ve seen all day! A few images come close to realism but a lot of them are the sort AI fever dream stuff that you could not make up.
Aussie chiming in 50/20mbps for $90/m. I wanted 50mbps upload but it would have bumped the cost to $130/m.
The driving and driving combat in that game was 10/10 and the world really well done too. The only let down, at least for me, was the main story. I still hop on and blow up some vultures every once in a while.