Esters which do… Decay into testosterone… My point stands
Some more than others, for sure, but definitely do increase
I am pretty sure whoever tried steroids will tell you otherwise
About 36 hours. Borded on the plane for Mauritius (afternoon) , after 12 hours of flight, landed there, was told I need a visa to get in. Borded on exactly the same plane , flew 12 hours back. 2/10 wouldn’t recommend. Still gets 2 points for psychodelic effects of tiredness
Ah, i miss metaverse-shilling posts on LinkedIn, praising the visionary, prophet, mastermind Zuckerberg, telling me I will have to attend meetings in VR set
please like and share
Still unsure if troll, or mentally challenged lemming
Lol you mean like painting someone as a mentally challenged felon, fraud, a menace to democracy & basic decency, while that someone actually doesn’t deserve it? … Oh wait, he does deserve it
This man backs ends^
Unfortunately EV infrastructure isn’t exactly ready yet, i d be happy owning an electric car otherwise
I was thinking about buying an EV last week but gave up because how bad infrastructure is. The car ia fine!! But the charging points are such a pain, i couldn’t imagine dealing with it.
I live between France and Belgium
No matter how much you disagree with someone, there is always a possibility to shoot them in their face
I moved to Belgium recently, and after 2 months, here i am, buying my first car. Suburbs suck on every contient
+4600km to the nearest store is like, lots of walking, maybe more than 1h walk. I sad
Okey but does it even matter then? If my understanding of “free will” matches your understanding of “not free will” and you telling me “you couldn’t do otherwise”, while i am telling you “i don’t want to do otherwise”, aren’t we splitting hairs?
A coupl’ more of cats
Woops. You are correct.
I did the math:
Fuck SuckerBurg all my homies hate Suckerburg
This is my glorious beard, at least 3 weeks old (i don’t quite remember)
Is it thick enough?
Yes, but different kind of “wild” . Sometimes, under specific circumstances, i make extremely vivid and “logical” dreams. By logical i mean it has a plot, actors, meaningful interactions, it has an interesting ending.,it even has a narrator and sometimes, characters personality traits. After waking up, i can tell the story and it sounds like a plausible Sci - fi story (most often).Couple of times it was a terrible psychological horror / deep paranoia, which is less fun
It happened to me maybe a dozen of times in total. Every time when I wake up i can’t believe what I just watched, it feels like an insanely great movie.