As someone coming from Photoshop it’s really hard to get into Gimp with it missing the layer effects you’d expect, which you all have in Krita.
As someone coming from Photoshop it’s really hard to get into Gimp with it missing the layer effects you’d expect, which you all have in Krita.
And the largest ever decoder since it’ll need the whole model to work. I’m not particularly knowledgeable on AI but I’ll assume this will occupy hundreds of gigabytes, correct me if I’m wrong there. In comparison, libdav1d, an av1 decoder, weighs less than 2 MB.
That’s funny that you mention hardware, cause in Germany you pay a set fee for each device (13.19€ for a computer, 6.25€ for a phone) on purchase since it could be used to create copies of media.
I’m just getting my money’s worth, officer.
I absolutely love the answers.
In ours we can send probes to confirm our observations, but the closest other star is so far away we’ll never even get 1% closer in our lifetime.
I’ve already gotten good answers to why this shouldn’t matter though.
The article is referencing a benchmark that was run on desktop hardware so not clickbait. Likely they mentioned the handhelds in the article for ref link revenue.
Fun fact: w3schools has nothing to do with w3c and there used to be a whole website dedicated to giving them shit. They’ve apparently gotten much better these days though.
Jesus what the hell is going on in those comments over there.
It’s a music tracker + finder + social network. You can see how your taste changes over time. Personally my favorite feature is the weekly stats with a genre timeline.
Files are still stored permanently and links inside the client stay permanent as well, only links accessed externally are affected. I don’t like Discord either but anyone relying on it as their personal free CDN had it coming for them.
I hate minimalism! This is a dumb phone that got rid of everything that made dumb phones charming.
If you want an online tool, can rip the original youtube audio if you choose “best” format in settings -> 🎶. It’s also FOSS with no tracker/ad garbage so I can recommend it as an alternative for yt-dlp which has been mentioned already.
LibreTube, a Piped client, should be added to the Android section. Allows logging into your Piped account to sync your subs, includes SponsorBlock/DeArrow/RYD, and has one of the best interfaces I’ve seen of any YouTube app (including the official one).
Being informed about war? Sure, but
It has come to our attention that deeply disturbing videos, including footage of hostages, may be spread across social media in the near future.
This is not something you want to be exposed to, especially in your developmental years. As someone who grew up with unfiltered internet access looking at these things, take this seriously and protect your children.
It is dev dependent, but I don’t agree with “devs can implement it just as easily” at all. One only requires using a built-in API to create notification channels (which you have to call anyway), the other requires designing and programming your own page for it.
Didn’t know million live anime was happening this fall. I’m not expecting much but I’m hyped for the music.
I only know this because there’s a mission in Watch Dogs Legion that’s inside it.