AI might not survive the next decade? I already use it every day at work. The productivity gains are enormous and far from saturated. I think it’s more likely that AI will survive and consumers (humans) will not survive.
AI might not survive the next decade? I already use it every day at work. The productivity gains are enormous and far from saturated. I think it’s more likely that AI will survive and consumers (humans) will not survive.
Can you leave Greece as well?
Here are two groups of claims I disagree with that I think you must agree with
1 - brains do things that a computer program can never do. It is impossible for a computer to ever simulate the computation* done by a brain. Humans solve the halting problem by doing something a computer could never do.
2 - It is necessary to solve the halting problem to write computer programs. Humans can only write computer programs because they solve the halting problem first.
*perhaps you will prefer a different word here
I would say that:
Which of my statements do you disagree with?
Given that humans can write computer programs, how can you argue that the undecidability of the halting problem stops intelligent agents from being able to write computer programs?
I don’t understand what you mean about the borrow checker in Rust or block instruction reordering. These are certainly not attempts at AI or AGI.
What exactly does AGI mean to you?
This stuff should all be obvious, but here we are.
This is not necessary. Please don’t reply if you can’t resist the temptation to call people who disagree with you stupid.
we all learned in Theory of Computation that general AI is impossible.
I strongly suspect it is you who has misunderstood your CS courses. Can you provide some concrete evidence for why general AI is impossible?
While cool, I am surprised this is considered noteworthy enough for an article. There’s so much experimentation constantly going on with these models, what makes this special? It’s more like the inspiration for a creepypasta.