We are going to bring production back to the US! First step, remove Bidens attempt to bring production back to US!
Done with /s
We are going to bring production back to the US! First step, remove Bidens attempt to bring production back to US!
No no, you misunderstand… he grabbed his HeArT then merely included everyone in attendance with his LoVe
I stream vr games, reboot before each stream for fresh, smooth run
Thats the one!
I don’t care how hard to look at the (real) person is, I don’t care if they sound like Janice Joplin, I will take that over the soulless AI read script any day. I did watch a few of these AI chans, as they had stuff I was interested in, but I just can’t anymore, tone matters. I want to giggle at the real person mispronouncing words, stumbling (very briefly) over words (editing is a thing). I hope it doesn’t get to the point I can no longer tell the difference, at that point I think I just quit the tubes
Elmo boogieing on the potty is what I see in my head
Well, there is a way out of this. They can stop the anger being rightly directed at them, but they won’t. The law is not in our hands, the law is not there to help us, and here we are.
BTW to be clear, I am not advocating violence. I am merely pointing out what many others see, we are reaching a breaking point and if compromise is not reached it will push past the point of no return leading to what you are so worried about. Which seems to be happening anyway with the far right starting to take power across the globe
I am not advocating for the world that we find ourselves in, which is a dark place. This is the first of many events that are going to happen due to the lack of care of the C suite that is robbing us at every chance and turning the legal system against everyone but themselves. This is a world of their making along with the consequences. Yes France was bloody due to the financial disparity between the rich and poor, all actions have consequences. The Americans also went through this with unions, where business interests murdered union reps and workers on strike, we came to a deal eventually but as always the deal was reneged. The social contract I “talk about in grandiose terms” was to keep us, rich and poor, from each others throats. It is in their hands what the population does, keep taking and not giving back, it will be taken from them.
When all other avenues fail, there is only one choice left. Most are not there yet, but more and more are getting to this point. Buckle up, it is going to be a rough ride.
The rich and the poor came to an agreement once upon a time, a social contract if you will. That contract was - You treat us with respect and pay us our worth, or we drag you into the street. The rich have broken that contract
Tripping the Rift, Lexx, and Drawn Together. First and last are animated and twisted, Lexx is just plain messed up. GF doesn’t share my humour
I would feel like I was 8 again hehe. I’d check it out if made
Goddamn, I am traumatised. HIS ARM!!!
Oops, forgot to answer the question, tho others have. “Oh no, anyway.” is my answer
Almost like Bart did in that episode in china town with the “Chinese Fire Drill”.
I pulled a Neo matrix move like where he dodged the bullets on the roof. I had to sit for about 20 mins to get the adrenaline rush to subside.
A firework fired at my face
Ohhh, story time from 30ish years ago.
It is summer in the late 90s, living downtown with nothing to do. 4 of us decided to stay awake as long as possible, with the help of LSD and PCP and my locally famous “acid walks”. We did an escalating amount of LSD(forget the actual amount started at 2 each then more each following dose) 2 quit after 48 hours, they just dropped asleep to the floor. Myself and a woman friend did another 48 on top of that and added some PCP to the mix. It was a very, umm, interesting and confusing 4 days, I don’t know how lucid I was at the end. Don’t really remember much more now. plz do not do this I slept the 5th day completely. Don’t abuse the power of youth, harness it.
Unrelated, another friend of mine from that era took enough valium at a party that he slept for 4 days straight, best part was when he did finally wake up he asked the host what happened to the party. She was laughing when she told me, as did he.
Thank you
Oh, that looks like what I want to see. Got some reading to do hehe. thank you
That looks like a great project, thank you.
If I understand correctly(I may not), this is a plugin/replacement for instances and not for clients?
My mother watching cable