Right. This article is far too generous.
Right. This article is far too generous.
There are plenty of bosses like him out there. Completely high on their own shit. He reads about technology in a sci-fi book, and thinks he can Steve Jobs into bullying workers into making it a reality. Completely deludes himself into thinking it’s real and sells it to investors with full confidence. He has no idea of the actual technical challenges and fully convinces himself his genius brain could figure it out if he wasn’t so “busy” all the time. Everything is perpetually just 6 months away.
We can be pretty sure he’s a pedophile though based on his connections to Epstein.
If you see someone driving a Tesla the correct response is always to point and laugh.
It’s an unfortunately common misconception that humans are inherently selfish and greedy.
Like you stated Capitalism rewards sociopathic behaviour.
Humans learn and adapt to the systems they live under.
Selfishness and greed is enforced under the capitalist system.
You should check our Peter Kropotkin’s ‘Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution’ for an alternate take which sounds like you’re already on board with.
Yes, literally.
Without capitalism we would be free to build any cool technology we desire, with the only motivation being the benefit of humanity and improvement of our daily lives.
Capitalism is a wasteful and nonsensical system that will only guarantee the enslavement and annihilation of human life.
There is no utopian version as long as we maintain the capitalist system. How long do you think “regulations” can stand against the profit incentive of every conceivable greedy ghoul out there?
Google: “Be evil.”
I’m sure a lot of the original population has dropped by a lot more than that, but in numbers they would have been replaced by an influx of fascists and bots.
As an individual I’d rather be giving my data to China who probably have no interest in me personally, rather than a Five Eyes country who want my data to spy on me, and have more interest in persecuting me, stopping me at borders, etc.
Heaven forbid the kids should be against the outright mass murder of unarmed men, women, and (mostly) children, the targeted killing of journalists, doctors, and destruction of all hospitals, the blocking of aid, forced starvation, and targeted killing of people in designated “safe zones”.
Where has their sense of bloodthirsty genocide and outright cruelty gone?
Not everyone needs to work. Many jobs are useless or detrimental to our existence.
We need to think about fundamental changes in how our societies run.
Think about how much wealth the richest people in our world have. Would it be so bad if they lived in a regular house if it meant living in a world where everyone has accomodation, food, health care and education - and the work that is done is that which is actually useful to our survival and development as a species.
Why be so committed to the idea that “everyone needs to work” for some arbitrary reason to build useless plastic things, or countless variations of the same thing with different packaging. Why are we continuing to live in a world that throws perfectly good food into dumpsters and landfill just to keep prices at a certain level. The world we are living in now is totally nonsensical.
If people had the security of being able to leave their job and not face eviction, starvation, or poor health they would have the freedom to retrain, learn more, and move onto something which is of actual benefit.
We don’t need countless food delivery drivers, bankers, or stock brokers. All of those people would benefit us much more by doing nothing. We don’t need more jobs, we need less jobs.
Imagine a world where we do the work needed to build the housing, education facilities, food and energy production we actually need. Then we are free to build technology which benefits us instead of enslaving us. We could live without poisoning our environment and driving our planet deeper into climate change and extinction.
If we lived in that world we would be able to build humanoid robots to do the work we don’t want to do, and it would benefit us all. We would have more time to pursue our own interests and passions. No people put out of jobs, who then become homeless, who then need to turn to crime for survival, and no need build humanoid killer robots to hunt us all down when we all lose our jobs.
Lmao. Forget it Jake. It’s Chinatown.
Ventoy is the shit.
I chuckled.
Communism is a moneyless, classless, stateless society.
Neither China nor Cuba are communist.
The only “luxuries” capitalism provides are extreme disparity, environmental destruction, wage slavery, an inefficient and wasteful distribution of resources, and the assured extinction of humanity - but I guess it does provide countless variations of similar sugar water, mobile phones, and branded clothing.
The real criminals in this world are the billionaires, the CEOs, the bankers, the landlords, bosses, and cops who enforce a capitalistic society on all of us and engineer the destruction of our environment and ensure our continued wage slavery and inevitable annihilation.
Do you really think policy matters when there’s a profit incentive?
"I do shoot myself in the foot from time to time, but at least you know it is genuine, not from the PR department”
Yeah we know. He’s genuinely a white supremacist, misogynist, queerphobe piece of shit. A PR department doesn’t give a fuck about any of that, but at least they’d be savvy enough to pretend like they give a damn in order to make money.