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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 8th, 2024


  • Sorry for the late answer and the text wall

    1. Depends on the severity and how much they know about my avoidance habit. I would say sorry (as genuine as I can) and told them about my problem (or most likely make up a believable one that neurotypical person can accept) that made me unable to respond to them in timely manner. That it is wholly a Me problem and not a You problem. I would try my best to complete what they ask of me or help them with something else just to keep it even. This vulnerability talk will exhaust your mental energy tbh, some people will definitely have negative reaction and rightfully so, especially in professional setting. Tho some bridges have been burnt so bad I don’t even try 🫠 Still, it’s very much worth it, rather than spiralling down to depression town, sinking in the guilty mud trap.
    2. I too wish I have an answer for this one. If you have the means, try finding out the reason. Maybe it’s ADHD, maybe it’s AvPD, maybe it’s both, neither, or something else. So far, applying CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) has helped me improve, but it’s not a bulletproof solution. My avoidance mostly comes from my tendency to be a perfectionist (which comes from past experience, upbringing, yadda yadda), so I try to accept that sometimes it is okay to be flawed, to disappoint, to not try my best for someone else’s sake just to get their approval. Try to have healthy habits that improve mood/health. I also try not to spend too much time inside all day without actual human interaction, because I can definitely get more anxious when I haven’t interact with real people (actual interaction face-to-face, not text/chat with people online) to keep me grounded.

    Just keep on keeping on one step at a time.

  • My problem with some seinen animes are how edgy and how much they try hard with all the “adult” scenes. The older I get, the more I think that gratuitous sexual or gore scenes are more interesting to teenagers, or maybe that’s just me being overexposed to that kind of content too early.

    Of course like anything else, there are good and bad , regardless of its demographic groups. I have all-time-favorites from all demographic groups (shoujo, shonen, josei, seinen) that are close to my heart. Vice versa, all of them have their fair share of meh stuff.

  • Yes, because I need Adobe to do my meh wage part-time job in developing country from my one and only working laptop and I don’t have the luxury of surplus money, time, and mental energy to do anything about it.

    But I get your point. If I have the means, I will fix my broken Thinkpad and definitely install Linux there the first chance I get. Either that or Adobe finally release Linux version, which will probably be released after Half-Life 3.

    I can’t wait to try Endeavor (so I can finally be an obnoxious person who say “I used Arch-based distro, btw”)