More often than not when I mention Lemmy to someone, it’s after they’ve told me about something they saw on reddit and their reply is invariably, “what the fuck is Lemmy?”
More often than not when I mention Lemmy to someone, it’s after they’ve told me about something they saw on reddit and their reply is invariably, “what the fuck is Lemmy?”
Where there’s a hole, there’s a goal vole.
I can’t imagine many people think fondly about time spent with you.
I can’t really provide much insight, but I was once contracted by a local Masonic lodge to install new windows. I had unsupervised access to pretty much any room that had a window in it, and I was even permitted to look around in the windowless chamber where they performed many of their rituals. They were actually pretty excited to show me around. I can’t imagine that they would allow a perfect stranger into their secret lair if they really had anything to hide. But, ya know, take what I say with a pinch of salt as it’s just one anecdote about one lodge in Nowhere, Ohio.
After surviving my Baptist upbringing, I became an atheistic Satanist. It started as an act of pure spiteful rebellion, but over time grew into something more. I am no longer a member of any Satanic organization, but I still walk the left hand path to this day.
Thank you, friend. I’m glad that your holiday season will be more complete!
I’m not excited about much. This will be my first Christmas since my wife and I separated, and I haven’t spoken with my own family for years, so it’s looking like I’ll be spending the better part of the holidays alone.
It just fucking is, kiddo.
I’m right there with you, my brother in crust.
There’s probably some wisdom in that, but unfortunately I can’t see it because my human experience sucks.
If I suddenly became a competent adult, I think it might tip people off.
My yo-yo string just broke when my wife told me she wanted a divorce. The “ah fuckit” is already strong in me. And I’ll be 40 in 6 years.
It’s a delicate balance. Swing too far in the other direction and you end up like me, believing you are inferior to everyone.
Wash your ass better.
Do you not wash your ass?
Macer Glaber, at your service.
Every day is a school day!
I wish I had this kind of support growing up. I’m in my 30s and still reeling from all the psychological damage done to me in my youth.
After hurricane Helene we didn’t have electricity for 6 days. But I’ve been completely powerless for 34 years.