• 7 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2024


  • Using your own domain definitely makes it easy to get back up by just switching providers. But what about all your historical emails? If your original provider goes poof, what’s the plan? I connect via IMAP, so all my emails are stored on the provider’s servers, right? Or do email apps keep local copies, too?

    Are there backup services for emails? I seem to recall Outlook having some kind of archive feature (I haven’t used outlook in decades), but I think I remember it was only recoverable in outlook and even then, it was a pain to search for a particular email.

  • I found the solution. configuration.yaml needed to have the following syntax, with the defined values being true or false (instead of “Detected” or “Not Detected”):

      - binary_sensor:
          - name: "Lounge Presence"
            state: >-
              {% if states('sensor.apollo_mtr_1_cca750_presence_target_count') | int > 0 %}
              {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.apollo_msr_2_c7bfe8_radar_zone_1_occupancy', 'on') %}
              {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.apollo_msr_2_c7bfe8_radar_zone_2_occupancy', 'on') %}
              {% elif is_state('binary_sensor.apollo_msr_2_c7bfe8_radar_zone_3_occupancy', 'on') %}
              {% else %}
              {% endif %}
            device_class: presence

  • I think Studio Code Server is a linter. It’s telling me what the syntax problems are - I just don’t know how to fix them. Now that I removed the hypehn, it’s not telling me there are any spacing/formatting issues. But it currently says I’m missing the “entities” and “platform” properties, but I don’t know what the values should be. And It also says “state” is not an allowed property, but that’s the property that holds all the important stuff about this sensor - so how can I remove it?

  • Thanks for the suggsetion @Matt The Horwood.

    It looks like a “Combine the state of several sensors” or a “Group” helper only allow you to combine sensors of the same type.

    I created a binary sensor from a template using the helper, but it also returns “‘binary_sensor’ is undefined” when I try to access its value in the template editor with {{ states(binary_sensor.lounge_presence) }}

  • I have a similar setup. I use d.rymcg.tech (a configuration manager for Docker, as well as a collection of open source web services and config templates) and have Traefik (reverse proxy) on a Digital Ocean dropet connected to a VM in my home lab through wireguard. This framework allows me to put authentication and authoriation in front of any apps/services I’m hosting (HTTP basic auth, oauth2, mTLS). This setup allows me to control what is allowed access from outside of my home, without opening any ports.