Kinda painful when it rains, cause of the titanium pins
Kinda painful when it rains, cause of the titanium pins
My exact timeline.
Hello fellow 45 year old.
The Good Place finale
I could watch it and cry every time.
It does group messaging, it’s not the same as discord, but I’m not sure what all features you need in a group chat room.
Honestly, I think they did the right thing. The TV show was great for what it was, but the last book was just so different than the rest of the series, I don’t think it really matters that they left it out.
End the show on a high note instead of possibly spoiling it.
Except that’s now how people work. You get increasingly less efficient the longer you work, so someone working 32 hours puts out more output than someone working 40 hours.
Companies that switched to 4 day work weeks saw sustained increases in productivity and satisfaction.
On the other side, companies that push for longer and longer hours tend to get people zombie-ing through the week and do less work. They just LOOK more productive cause they’re physically present at their job and respond to messages beyond the work week.
Zwave uses a different spectrum than zigbee and wifi though, so as far as wireless communication, it’s probably the most reliable.
Wired is mostly impractical for outlets.
Fired and laid off are two completely different things. Quite a few folks have been laid off and find other jobs, but it’s always easier to find a new job while you have a job.
Don’t wait to get laid off to start looking, but don’t quit without something else lined up first either. It’s better to ride the job out to the end if you don’t have something else first.
There’s always an excess of resources, just in case of spacecraft failure.
There are actually already extra crew up there from the recent Boeing failure.
SpaceX would definitely benefit from having to come get you, since they’re the only launch company with a good track record, and spare capacity. (Unless you’re Russian, which means you’d probably be shot and stuffed in the garbage section of Soyuz)
A good, well researched history textbook the night BEFORE the assassination. Just show Lincoln what would happen.
I can’t wear them in vehicles because the polarization of the glasses through windshields make me car sick.
I don’t normally get car sick, so it’s only if I wear polarized lenses. I speculate it’s the light being changed as it goes through the tempered glass.
Hate to burst your bubble, but $1 worth of black hole would be so small, that it would likely evaporate before it did any damage to anything.
And if it really was $1 worth of time with the black hole, I doubt it would do any damage cause the gravity wouldn’t have time to do anything.
Well, if LTT is involved, then I probably want nothing to do with it.
A hard disk uses spinning magnetic disks to store data.
An SSD uses flash memory to store data.
Since it doesn’t have moving parts, it can access the data faster and with fewer parts.
At current prices an SSD is more expensive for the same size storage, but most people don’t need 10TB on their laptop.
Smurfing hell… I thought I was going to be the smartass in this thread.
I 3d printed a dongle that has a Logitech receiver in it. All their design files are online, so you can make your own pretty easily.
This is why he moved to Texas
FYI, in case anyone is running 7.2.1, just be aware that you have to MANUALLY update because you need to agree to new terms that removes local hardware processing of some media types.
7.2.2-72806 Update 1 is the update with the new patches.
If you’re running Plex locally (i.e. - not in docker) you’ll need to manually install the updated 7.2.2 patch. You need to download it locally, then push it back up to your NAS bypassing the normal process. You can’t use the plex client to prompt the update, and you can’t use the synology package manager to update.
The package links on Reddit and some other sites are older versions that may not install
September 27th, 2024 release is currently the latest non-beta version - v.
If you’re running home assistant, you can put some inline power monitoring plugs in. I like the thirdreality ones, cause you can set them to “default on” or “default off” after power failure and run it as a zigbee local network without requiring internet access.
I’m using an old laptop with the lid closed. Uses 10w.
All in, including my router, switches, modem, laptop, and NAS, I’m using 50watts +/- 5.
It does everything I need, and I feel like that’s pretty efficient.